Part 2

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I pulled my suitcase out the door it was a litteral blizzard outside

"WHY DID WE MOVE TO CANADIA AGAIN?" I shouted at brooke who was just infront of me but the howling wind made it almost impossible to hear we got into the taxi

"to the airport please" brooke said then turned to me

"what did you say back there?" she asked

"oh I asked why did we move to canadia?" I said

"1. its canada-"

"canadia yes" she laughed and rolled her eyes

"and 2. we moved here so I could be with mitch" she said

"ok" I said and rested my head against the window watching the neighbourhood wizz by we soon arrived at the airport

"mitchy" brooke yelled dropping her bag I managed to grab the handle before it smashed against the tiled floor I looked up to see brooke being spun around in mitches arms before being put down and her face sucked off not literaly I walked over with our bags

"hey squirt" he said roughing up my hair I pushed his hand away

"i hate that nickname" I pouted crossing my arms

"lets go get sighned in so we dont miss the flight" brooke said and we went and sighned before going and sitting in the waiting area soon out flight got called and we boarded we walked up the stairs but were stopped by the flight attendant

"im sorry it seems asthough we have over booked would you three be alright to be upgraded to first class for free?" she asked

"im perfectly fine with that" I said and she held open the curtain and showed us our seats I was by the window aisle whilst mitch and brooke where next to each other in the middle aisle I played with the wall thingy opening it

"pst brooke" I said she looked at me I opened and closed it making different faces each time I opened it making brooke laugh the next time I opened it I jumped as I saw an pissed of flight attendant I closed it slowly and burst out laughing and we left canada

"im bored" I whinned

"oh we'll be there soon" mitch said I groaned and plugged in my headphones soon we arrived and got off the plane and were taken to our hotel I had my own room since mitch and brooke decided to share one I walked in and plonked myself down on the bed and laid down for a nap

My Mate; A Jacksepticeye Wolf Story Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat