Part 38 End

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"it was great seeing you again" i said to people as they left

"hey did someone invite a new guy up?" Matthias asked

"no" mark said and got up off the couch

"WHERE'S JACK" someone yelled and jack got up before walking over to the door

"OI YOU" the voice came again i got up and went over to the door to see Dylan and jack changing into their wolf forms before launching at eachother i went to break it up but mark held me back

"just leave them" he said

"there going to kill eachother" i said

"they need to work it out" Brooke said placing a hand on my shoulder i watched as the tumbled snapping at eachother before rolling into the forrest i could still hear their growl and snarls

"i have to stop them" i said jumping off the porch and changing before touching the ground i looked back at mark Brooke and Mitch before rushing towards jack and Dylan

"stop" i snapped they stopped and looked up at me

"what are you doing here" jack said walking towards me

"she's obviously come to come home with me" Dylan said

"why would she do that you almost killed her" jack snapped

"shes my sister and she's coming home" Dylan snapped jumping in front of me

"YOUR NOT TAKING HER AWAY FROM ME AGAIN" jack yelled and launched at Dylan i jumped over Dylan getting n the way and sending me to the ground and going back to my human form

"why did you do that?" jack said rushing over

"h-he may have k-kidnapped me but hes still my brother" i said

"sky-" jack started

"no jack hes my brother hes family" i said standing up and going over to Dylan who nuzzeled under my arm helping hold me up

"but" jack started i just looked at him and shook my head Dylan laid down

"hop on" he said and i did

"sky wait" jack said and Dylan took off i clung onto his fur as i gave him directions to my favourite place we arrived at the cliff

"do you want to be alone?" he asked

"yes please" i said and he left i sat down and looked over the valley i sighed

"whats wrong?"

"i don't know what to do" i said

"talk to me"

"I've found my mate an everything but Dylan came back into my life but not the best way" i said looking down into my lap

"that's where you are" i turned around to see Brooke in her wolf form

"yeah" i said getting up

"we've been looking for you everywhere" she said

"oh I've just been here" i said "hows jack?"

"quiet" she said

"oh" i said and we went back to the cabin Dylan was sitting on the porch i guessed jack was inside

"so whats going on?" mark asked walking over

"well" i began

My Mate; A Jacksepticeye Wolf Story Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ