Part 22

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"I've never been at a beach at night" I said floating on my back in the water

"Neither have I" Brooke said floating beside me then I felt something wrap around me and pull me into the water I took a breath and kicked and squirmed they let go and I surfaced I swam a little always and turned to see Sean surface groaning

"Why did you do that?" I Laughed

"It was a joke" he said and we all decided to leave and head back to the hotel I got back and got into my pjs before crawling into bed I felt an arm wrap around me

"Goodnight sky" Sean said and Kissed my neck I giggled

"Goodnight Sean" I said and drifted off to sleep

"Good morning" I woke up to Sean sitting on the edge of the bed smiling down at me with a tray in his hands I smiled and sat up on the tray was a McDonald's breakfast Wrap and a hot chocolate

"Thank you Sean" I said he kissed my cheek

"I need to go quickly upload but I'll be back in a few" he said then left I ate then got dressed and packed my bags then sat on Twitter for a bit when I got a tweet from brooke

@rebelangelgames: @crazypenguin424 OI you ready to go yet?

@crazypenguin424:@rebelangelgames, yeah packed and ready jacks just gone down to upload

I went and made sure Sean had packed his stuff then sent brooke a text telling her to meet me in the lobby I grabbed mine and Sean's stuff and walked out the door and locked it I saw someone out of the corner of my left eye I turned my head to look but didn't see anyone

"Hey babe you ok?" The voice scared me and I jumped around to see Sean

"You ok you seemed very zoned out" he said rubbing my arm

"Yeah I just thought I saw something" I said and he laughed

"It's ok I'm here now" he said and we went down to the lobby he insisted on taking my bag we got down there

"Hey we still have gift cards to use" brooke said

We decided on lunch

"I'll be back" Sean said and ran off

"Ok then" brooke said and I slurped at my slurpie

"What times our flight?" Mitch asked

"4:50" brooke said "sky close your eyes"

"What why?" I asked and she covered my eyes and spun my chair around

"Ok" I heard Sean say then she uncovered my eyes and Sean stood there with a giant simba plush he could hardly carry it I jumped up and hugged him

"Thank you" I squealed he put down the simba and hugged me back

"Well we have to leave" Mitch said looking up from his watch and we went over to his rental car and got in

"So why the giant simba wouldn't a small one suffice?" Brooke asked

"Well I couldn't come back with her so I gave her something that could" he said

"Aww your so sweet" I said cuddling him

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said and kissed him soon we arrived at the air port we got our stuff onto a trolley and went to go sign in whilst Mitch took back the car back to the rental place I quickly ducked into the toilet to pee then came back and we all sat in the terminal when we got bombarded by fans I took photos and stuff with all mine

"I'm not feeling flash" I said

"Are you ok?" Sean asked

"Yeah I'll just go to the toilet" I ran over and the only available one was the disabled one everything started getting hazy as I reached and opened it up before going and sitting down before everything went black

My Mate; A Jacksepticeye Wolf Story Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu