Part 7

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"That was so much fun" I said still giddy from the panel

"You really like those don't you" bob said with a hearty laugh

"Yes"I said turning around walking backwards

"Well obviously you look like a kid in a sugar high" wade added and I ran into someone who caught me I looked up to meet a pair of blue eyes and bright green hair

"H-hi" I said and I stood up properly

"Hi Im-"

"Jack where were you, you missed the panel" Mark said

"I sorta got mobbed" Jack said

"Why didn't you just go through the youtube entrance" wade said

"There's a youtube entrance?!" Jack ran his fingers through his hair

"Yeah anyway we were just headed out to lunch" Mark said

"Did you want to come?" I asked

"Sure" Jack said and we went and got in marks car me between Jack and wade I've only known the guy for a couple of minutes and I already have feelings for the guy geeze

"So what do you's feel like" Mark asked

"Subway" I said and the others agreed we walked in and the others ordered and headed across the road to the park I got my chicken wrap water and a cookie

"And that's all" the guy asked

"Yes thanks" I said pulling my bag up onto the bench

"Shit" I muttered researching my bag for my wallet

"Thank you and have a nice day" he said

"Huh" I looked up and jumped as I saw Jack there he was holding my food

"I got it don't worry" he said I smiled and we headed across the road and sat down I sat next to Mark and bob

"So Mark tells me your birthdays coming up" bob said

"Yeah" I replied

"We gotta go for a drink then" Jack said with a laugh

"She's turning 18 she's not legal here" wade said

"Oh ok" Jack said

"So what are you going To do?" Mark asked

"Probably just go out for dinner" I said

"That's fair enough "bob said

"Yeah" I said and ate soon I was bored and went and played on the round about soon the others came and jumped on bob spun us my hand slipped and I fell but was caught by Jack I looked up at him and he smiled back geeze it felt like a schoolyard crush

"Thanks" I said and bob stopped

"Uh guys we're going to be late for our meet and greets" he said and we raced back to the car it was funny cause they were all still dizzy we got back and went straight to the room we were having them in

"Is that your photo booth?" Felix asked

"Yup" I said jogging over to my table

"5 minutes" a lady called I put my bag down and chucked on my spirit beanie and sat on the table soon the doors were open and our lines filled in the roped off lanes the first people got let through

"H-hi I'm Mari I-I love your videos" she said and handed me a box

"A thank you did you want me to open it now or?"

"Now" she said excited and I unwrapped it inside was a letter and a stuffed penguin

"I love him thank you" I said and we went and took a set of photos in the Photo Booth and she said goodbye and the next person came up

My Mate; A Jacksepticeye Wolf Story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz