Through the Eyes of a Storm (Author's Note)

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A/N: Hello my beautiful bookworms! How are you?

So I thought before I posted this story, I would post an agonizingly long author's note for you guys, just to be mean ;) No, I'm kidding....kind of. I just want to get some the the back story to this story out to you guys so you know why I'm writing this.

So as those of you who've read my other stories have probably noticed, I try to put variety into what I write like the writing style and POV's and such. I'll be exploring some new genres soon, which could be a total train wreck but I don't want to be that author that has the same storyline with different characters all the time. Of course, I'm only human so some my characters probably have similar personalities but it's only because I've been trying for years to be able to write a character who's just broken beyond repair, while still being relatable for you guys. I love characters like this but I've just never been able to create what I want.

Bram (from Guilty by Design) was kind of my first trial and error, but I knew that since it was more of a fantasy genre, he wouldn't be what I was looking for. I love him to death but he just wasn't it.

Then came Kellin (from Bean There Done That) but again, the fantasy part of the whole thing took away from the relatable aspect. Not to mention he wasn't really broken - for a lack of a better word XD - but he was really just a complete dick.

And finally Jax (from The Angel's Guardian). Jax is by far the closest I've ever gotten to what I was going for. I was completely in love with him from the start. Unfortunately, as I kept writing he just wasn't what I wanted. Yeah, he's messed up and what not, but now his character has taken off in a direction completely different from how I'd originally planned him to be.

Which brings me to my newest addition to my imaginary, messed up family. As I'm writing this, I don't even have a name for him, but he used to have one. 

This story is going to show you guys the original Jax. The one I'd used to plan out the story line with. The one that was inspired by a themed album that I rediscovered recently. The one that brought you the Jax we all know and love today.

Since they are technically the same character, there will most likely be a few similarites between the two. I usually don't like having characters be like each other, but I'll make an exception in this case.

And on a note not completely unrelated to this one, I'm currently working to make all my stories intertwine. So you might see a GBD character in TAG or vice versa and so on. So, naturally, I'm gonna have the two Jaxs meet, which should be very interesting :D 

So, with all that out of the way, read on, my loyal bookworms! Go forth! 

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