Chapter 1

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It all started as a joke. Whenever my mom used to tell me to come, and I told her to wait, she always asked the same question. “What are you doing? Curing cancer?” she would ask. And so one day, I decided that I wanted to be able to say yes when she asked me that question. I always was such a rebel, even when I was only 13.

 So I went to the library grabbed some random science books, drew some random doodles, and set everything up. My mom called me, and I told her to wait. So as usual she asked the same question. “What are you doing, curing cancer?” she asked.

 “Yes” I said.

 Just one little word, but do you know how good it felt. The look on my mom’s face when I said yes was hilarious. Once she left, I looked at one book. Then another, and another. They seemed so interesting. Every day I’d go to the library and read more. I’d research more online. I’d go to the hospital and talk to people who had cancer. I’d talk to cancer survivors.

 I’d put it all down on paper and put it in a huge binder I carried everywhere.And when I mean everywhere, I mean everywhere. I had an obnoxious older brother who always ruined my stuff. I couldn’t let him touch my binder.

 Then on my fourteenth birthday, I asked for a microscope and a chemistry kit. 3 months later, I asked if I could remodel the attic. The entrance to the attic was right in front of my room. And my room was at the end of the hallway. Surprisingly my parents said yes.

 I did everything I could. I painted the walls white. I replaced the flooring. I cleaned the room. I had yard sales to get rid of the junk in the attic. And with the money I got, I used it to buy more stuff for the attic and more science equipment.

I had a huge periodic table on one wall. Test tubes where everywhere. There where more hazardous signs in my lab, than One Direction posters in a teen-girls room.

Every day after school, I would rush home and stay in my lab. Sometimes, when I was working in my lab for a long time, I even slept there. Then one day, I accidently spilled two chemicals and they combined. I’m not allowed to tell you which chemicals though.

 When I put it under my microscope, I realized something. It had the exact molecular structure, for a cure for cancer. It was a scientific breakthrough. It took some time, but eventually we were able to patent it, and try it on people with cancer. And out of 20 people who took the cure, all 20 lived and got rid of all cancer cells in their body.

 When I was fifteen, my parents pulled me out of school. I was to be homeschooled, since the government, I think, said it would be better for me to have more time to work on my projects.

 I got tons of emails and letters. Mothers telling me how happy they were that their children would live. Wives and husbands telling me how happy they were that they wouldn’t become widows. And so on.

 I eventually won a Nobel Prize. I was never happier, and to think this all started as a joke.

 And then one day when I was 17, my mom came into my lab and everything changed.


“Sweetie guess what?” my mom said happily, jumping a little and moving the test tubes around her.

 “Mom, what did I say about entering my lab without permission, there are dangerous chemicals here. I’m busy working on a force field. And stop jumping, you’re moving the test tubes” I said.

 “Sorry sweetie, but I have such good news. You’re going to high school” she said.


I didn’t want to go to high school. You’d think that after curing cancer, and dealing with hazardous chemicals, I’d be able to survive high school. It’s not that I don’t like school; it’s just that I don’t necessarily like people.

I had to endure a torturous makeover. Apparently no one was meant to know who I am. I kept protesting and refusing to have the makeover.I wasn’t exactly famous, only nerds and people with cancer knew who I was.

My long curly and frizzy blonde hair, which was always up in a ponytail or a bun, was dyed dark brown and put through a treatment to make it wavy. That was the only interesting thing about the makeover.

 While the hairstylist wasn’t looking I put some in a test tube I had in my pocket to analyze later.

 I also had to wear contact lenses that made my blue eyes look green. I absolutely hated them. I don’t care what they say in books, about girls wearing them everyday, they were extremely uncomfortable. So after a lot of begging, I convinced them to let me not wear contact lenses.

 It’s not like anyone was going to recognize who I was because of my eye color.

 My name was also changed from Cecilia Evergreen to Scout Bain.

 What kind of a surname was Bain?!

 But obviously I had no say in this and had to go along with it. That’s why Scout Bain is standing in front of East River High School, about to go in.

I’m Cecilia/Scout and this is what happens when a scientist goes to school.


I really hoped you guys liked this story. Unlike my other two stories it isn’t a short story :D







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