Chapter 3

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Harley and I walked towards the registration. My heels kept making click sounds, how did people not get annoyed by that. I wonder if I should invent a muffling layer that you can put on your heel so it won't click when you walk. I kept thinking about what materials I could use, that I didn't even notice that we were at the registration. "Mrs. Summers, this is Scout. She's new and needs her schedule" Harley said to the woman behind the desk.

With a name like Mrs. Summers, you'd think that she'd be blonde and cheerful and smiling. Instead there was a wrinkly, slightly chubby, old woman who seemed to have a permanent scowl on her face. She typed something into her computer and printed my sheet. She then handed it to me, but Harley took it and looked over at it. "You have your first lesson with me, your second with Brielle, your third with Damion and Kenna, your fourth with Evan, your fifth alone, and your sixth with Tanner. Oh and we have lunch all together" she told me and handed me back the sheet.

It was nice to know that I would have almost every single class with them, except for fifth. 

"Mrs. Summers, I'm going to show Scout around the school. Can we have passes" Harley asked. The woman started printing sheets again. 

"You really don't have to" I said.

"Nah, it's fine. Besides I like the sound of skipping first period. And being allowed to do it" she said and winked at me. We took the passes from Mrs. Summers and started walking. "We'll walk around the school and you'll see it and all, but really I wanted you to get to know our group" she said and I nodded.

"Alright first off, there's Brielle. Brielle seems like a really girly girl, but just like the rest of us, she likes to fight. She lives with her parents and younger sister not to far from you. Tanner is mega-rich, like I think his dad owns half of America. He lives in the snobby area, but his house is perfect for parties. He's really cool and chill, and likes to play pranks. Kenna and Daimion's parents died in a fire when they were little kids, they barely remember them. They live with their aunt and uncle. Their aunt's a movie actress and their dad's a director. That means that they're barely at home, so they do whatever they want. Evan is kind of odd, we don't really know that much about him. He's really, really shy, however slip him some alchohol and he's good. And last, but obviously not least, there's me. I live across the road from you with my mom and that's it. Most of the time it's just me because she can't be bothered to pay attention to me that much. She's a writer and always needs her alone time, or has to go away to do research" she said explaining to me everyone.

"So yeah. that's basically everyone. You'll get to know them more and more, especially today at the Tunnel and Friday at the party. The party's going to be at Tanner's house, and it's going to be huge. Kind of like a start the year with a bang bash. Anyone who's anyone is going to be there" she said. 

"Alright, that sounds cool" I said with an attempt at a smirk. Since Harley didn't laugh, I guessed that I didn't fail at it.

We then walked around the school some more and she showed me everything, and before we knew it, the bell rang. 

"Alright you have English with Brielle in classroom 452A" she said. Oh like I was going to be able to find that. "Oh wait, there's Brielle right there" she said and gestured to her. "Oi! Brielle" Harley yelled across the hallway. Brielle turned around and walked over to us. "Can you show Scout to her classroom, I've got to go give Mr. Jacobsen another ulcer" she said and laughed. She then walked away, and Brielled hooked her arm around mine. 

"Alright-y then, let's go" she said and we went to class. It was actually okay, the teacher was nice and all. Brielle didn't talk much to me because she was too busy participating in class. It seemed that she really did care about class. 

The rest of my classes were also pretty good. Damion and Kenna kept arm-wrestling each other and then me. They started teasing the teacher, it was quite funny actually. 

I then had to go to my class with Evan, it was the last class before lunch. Chemistry.

I walked into class to see a huge picture of me on the board, oh great, just great. I had to endure the teacher drone on and on about me. Jeez if you were going to talk about me, at least make it interesting. I look around the classroom nervously to see if anyone recognized me. Luckily no one did. I had to stop being so paranoid or else they were going to recognize me. I focused on taking nots, and twenty minutes I looked over at Evan. He wasn't taking down notes, he was drawing. I looked over at it and smiled shocked. 

"That's me" I said looking over at the gorgeous drawing of me. I'm not saying it's gorgeous because I'm in it, it was because Evan was really good. 

Evan then looked at me. "Um it's not that good you know, I haven't gotten the eyes right and the nose seems off" he said flustered. 

"I love it. It's perfect, nothing seems wrong with it" I said reassuringly. We then went on with the class. I went to my locker to put away my stuff and when I opened it a folded-up paper fell out. I picked it up and opened it. It was the drawing of me that Evan did. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Scout!" Harley yelled across the hallway and came over.

"You really like yelling don't you" I said but she ignored me and started talking. 

"What are you doing here? Oh shit, I didn't tell you" she said and I got confused. "We're allowed to leave during lunch as long as we're back by the time the bell rings. So come on , they're waiting for you outside" she said and I followed her. 

God knows where they were going to take me. I would have to draw the line at a brothel though.


Alrighty then my lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this new and edited version of Scientists At High School, the next chapter will be up very very soon. So as usual, please vote, comment, and follow :D Thanks a bunch !

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