Chapter 4

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. I got into the car with Harley, Damion and Kenna. We were in one car, and Tanner, Evan, and Brielle were in another. Harley was driving, and I could tell by the looks on Damion and Kenna's faces that they weren't happy about that. They kept trying to convince her to let one of them drive. I then understood why. Harley was the worst driver ever. She kept going fast and then suddenly stopping, we were all clinging to our seats. Eventually we ended up at a cafe and Harley knocked over a trash can trying to parallel park.

We finally got out with all of our organs intact. "Never ever getting into a car with you again"  Damion said clutching his stomach. "That goes double for me" I said. "Same here" Kenna said. 

"See Harley, no one likes your driving"  Tanner saud laughing and Harley kicked him in the shin. 

"Are we going to eat or not?" Harley asked and then began to walk into the cafe and we followed her. We sat down at a table and waited for the waitress to get the menu. Everyone ordered and just told her to get "their regular". I got a cream cheese bagel and a latte. I was going to need the coffee to keep up with these people. 

We were talking about the party on Friday when someone walked in. He was dressed in all black, and I could barely see his face, but when he turned around I saw it. He was hot, mega hot. His eyes were hazel and his hair was brown, at least that was what I could see.

He grabbed a package and left. "Who was that?" I asked. "That was West" Harley said and her tongue was oozing with anger. I could tell she didn't like him.

"He's trouble you want to stay away from him" Damion said.

"And when we say someone's trouble you know they're trouble" Kenna said. 

"Hey guys, are we seriously going to let West ruin our day. We have better things to do. Like talk about my date for Friday" Brielle said and everyone either laughed or smiled. Tanner then put his arm around her. 

"I'd be happy to accompany the lady to the soiree" Tanner said dramatically. 

"Tanner I suggest you remove your arm. That is if you want to keep it" Brielle said and smiled at him. Tanner gulped and quickly removed his arm. We all laughed at him. 

I now kind of understood why my mom made me go to high school. It was experiences like this tha I would never get by combining chemicals in a lab. 

I also couldn't help but keep thinking of West. He was just so intruiging, I couldn't help but wonder what they meant by trouble. 

"So are you guys going to be cheering for me tonight" Brielle asked and raised an eyebrow. 

"That depends. Do you plan on winning?" Tanner asked her with a smirk. That earned him a punch on the shoulder from Brielle. That caused him to wince in pain and rub it. "You kind of deserved it you know" I told him. He stuck out his tongue at me. The food finally arrived and we all ate. We had the occasional joke from Tanner, and him and Brielle bickering endlessly. Damion and Kenna kept flicking food at everyone. Harley checked her phone and saw that it was time to leave.

"I'll drive" Damion said quickly. We paid for the food and left. Thankfully Damion was a better driver than Harley. The paper that Evan gave me was sticking out of my bag. "What's that" Harley asked. 

"It's just a drawing that Evan gave me" I said to Harley. 

"Evan gave you his drawing? Evan rarely ever lets people see his drawings, let alone give it to them" Harley said surprised. "Can I see it?" she asked. 

I reached for it and gave it to her. She opened it and saw the drawing of me. "I think a certain Evan likes a certain Scout" Harley said. 

"Oh come on, he's only known me for a day." I said protesting.

"Woah Evan likes you" Damion said.

"He does not" I protested again. 

"Maybe he just likes her but doesn't like like her" Kenna said. Thank you Kenna for being on my side, I thought to myself. 

Eventually we arrived at the school and as soon as we got out, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. I then went towards my fifth period class, Drama, on my own. I walked into the class and saw that a certain someone was there. West. 

The chairs in the class were arranged in an odd way. The room was like a mini theater and the chairs were at the back against the wall. The only chair left was next to West. I sat down next to him. The chairs were pretty close meaning my leg was pressed against his.

"So, you're the new member of their group" he said to me. 

"Yeah" I told him. 

"Will you be at the Tunnel tonight?" he asked and I nodded. He then kept staring at me, I tried to ignore him but couldn't.

'Why are you staring at me" I asked him. He smiled. 

"No reason" he said. I tucked a piece of my hair behing my ear. He reached over and untucked it. "You look nicer like that" he said. Was it bad that I didn't mind him touching me.  

He held out his hand. "What?" I asked. 

"Can I have your phone?" he asked. 

"What for?" I asked him.

"I need to call the FBI" he said sarcastically. Oh how funny it was that I had them on speed-dial. "Why do you think?" he asked sarcastically. 

I know that Harley said he was trouble and all, but it wouldn't hurt to have his number. I gave him my phone, and he put his number in and called it so he would have my number. I laughed a bit when I saw what he had saved himself as. 

The Smoking Hot Badboy.

Finally the teacher walked in and West and I looked at each other.

I had a feeling that this was going to be a long class. 


So here ya go my lovelies! Finally!! A new chapter. I now plan on posting a lot more, so add this to your reading list to be notified of any updates :D If you liked this please vote, comment, and follow. Thanks so much for reading this!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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