More planing for the wedding

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Skylee p.o.v I need to fined Hannah I am mad at her but so happy that she did that maybe I could ask Malachi were she is he should know and Maybe I can visit aphmau and Aaron too.

Malachi p.o.v I was sitting down talking to Travis when Skylee just walked in I could tell she was looking for Hannah I told her that Hannah was on a walk but she just ask wait Travis was doing

T Travis s Skylee m Malachi k ??

T well I am here to see Katelyn

S oh to congratulate her

M no he is here to stop the wedding

S way Travis

T well Lucinda left me

S what really

T ya so I am looking for Katelyn

S way though do you still like her

T yes but with vlady it's not going to happen so it doesn't matter

K Travis

T k k k Katelyn were y you listening

K yes I was

T look I am not here to take you from vlady but I just well be waiting if you and vlady don't work out

K Travis you should of just told me

S well me and Malachi are going to go outside

T ok

K ok

T I would of but I was with Lucinda at that time

K oh well I love vlady but if it doesn't work out ill come to you because I still like you a little

T ok well I am going to go

K ok then



Travis p.o.v well I am still happy for her maybe I should just go see aphmau ya I am going to do that great know I got to get a taxicab so I can get to aphmau and see her it well be nice to see aphmau and Aaron.

Aphmau p.o.v I was making cookies when I Heard a knock on the door it was Travis I let him in.i ask what he was doing here he told me ever thing that happened between him Katelyn and Lucinda i told him that I was sorry about the thing that happened between him and Lucinda he told be it was ok

T Travis a aphmau aa ??

T so aphmau way is Aaron so happy

A well I am pregnant

T that's way you were so fat

A Travis

T what

Aa what did you just say Travis

T Aaron I don't say anything

A Aaron it's fine he was just being himself

T hey

Aa nice aph

T well I should get going

A ok bye

Aa bye

Lucinda p.o.v I was in my car on the way to the mall when I released that I didn't tell him way he had to leave I just don't love him anymore I like vlady I just need to fined him that's when I get a text for Katelyn tell me that her and vlady were engaged I screamed I was so mad that I text her this you and vlady should not be to gather she didn't respond to me I just keep driving.

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