Way didnt you tell me

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Katelyn p.o.v I was at home when Travis came in he grabbed me and pushed me on the bed he kissed me so I kissed back that's when vlady came in and he saw me and Travis kissing

V vlady t Travis k Katelyn   L lucanda

K I am so sorry

V it's ok because I like lucanda

T really that's great

L vlady I am so happy you finally came to your senses

V well I am glad I did to

K ok you two need to get a room

L we well

T good then Kate should we

K yes we should

V you two are the ones that need the room

K haha well we should probably cancel the wedding

V ya don't you worry honey I'll be back for you

Lucanda p.o.v oh and Travis what about are babies

You and vlady can raise them

Ok good I hope you and Katelyn have fun

We well that for sure

Ok we'll see you around

Ya bye


Dante p.o.v I was at home when I remember that me and Nicole haven't spent time with each other for awhile so I go in side and kiss her she kisses back

Nicole p.o.v I was so surprised that Dante did that but what ever I was having fun when I heard the buzzer go off for the food so I get up and get the food ready thats when I got a text from katelyn

K Katelyn n Nicole

K hey me and Travis are dating know

N That's nice how did that happen

K Well he lets just say I had a lot of fun

N so you two kissed

K yes

N that's cool well I got to go see you soon

Mean while back in the woods

Skylee p.o.v I wake up and see Hannah she was a wake so I asked her a question

H Hannah s Skylee

S Hannah you should come home

H no Skylee

S Hannah you have two

H I can't I'll Hurt every one

S well your hurting them being away

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