The portal

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Skylee p.o.v I am still so mad at Mason but i am done with boys but I wonder what he wanted to tell me before Hannah pulled me away wait I hope hannah got to talk to Malachi before I got rid of ever one

S Skylee h Hannah k Kyra

S hey guys

H oh hi Skylee

S what's up you guys look like something bad happen

K ya Mason just came and give us this note and said give this to Skylee and please don't read it

S oh ok then thanks I guess

K you should go read it

S wait a second I have a feeling one of you read it

H no we didn't

Then Hannah and Kyra smirk

K ok mabye we did but we we're just curious

S what ever but any ways I'll be up in my room reading this later

H ok then

When Skylee gets to her room she opens the later and starts reading it

Dear Skylee

I know you think I kissed that girl but I didn't ok and any ways she was really wired and stuff and as soon as I mentioned you she kissed me but that thing I wanted to tell you was that I am will be moving and when my step father said that I thought maybe we were just moving to a bigger house but we're actually moving half way around the world so it wouldn't of worked out between us any ways but I hope you can for give me and you won't be able to say good bye in less you get this letter pretty early but any ways please for give me and have a good life Skylee

                                                                                                Your friend Mason

Skylee p.o.v no this is not happening I have to say good bye

Skylee goes down stairs puts her jacket on and shoes and runs to masons house but his not there so she takes a text to the airport

S I hope I fined Mason so I can say good bye

Then all the sound she bumped in to some one

S oh i am so sorry wait mason

M Skylee what are you doing here

S look I now are relationship won't work but are friend ship will ok

M of course it will

S if so then way did you leave with out saying good bye

M will I didn't think you would won't to see me after last night

S look Mason you now if some one leaves and the last thing we did was fight then I won't for give my self

M ok will I have to go but I will phone you when I get there bye

S wait but what about your really dad

M just call me if he ever bothers you again

S ok then bye

M bye Skylee

Mason p.o.v I hope I see her again

Skylee watches masons plan take off then walks home
Now with Hannah and Kyra

H I think I am going to find Malachi and bring him over

K ok then I'll be right here

H ok then see you when I get back

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