There here

11 3 0

Mason way did she go bye her self

Will I Brock up with her

You what


You shouldn't of



Can we just go

Yes let's go

Back with Skylee/Kate and Dominic

So Skylee

Yes and it's Kate for right now

Right how have you been

Great you

Ok I guess I've just missed Kyra

Will it's a good thing she in town but a bad thing because she's with Gotham

Ya that's way we need to find her

Ya you'll help me look then I'll take it from there

What no

Yes look he wants to turn all my friends in to a jury.....

I now I am a jury so I can help

Ok then

So Skylee you with that kid yet

Well we just Brock up to day so I am planning on staying away from him

Well I suggest you get up in that tree because there here right now


Yep get in there

Good idea

Back at were Hannah and Mason our

So do you think it was a bad thing to brack up with her

I mean I guess really all she well do is stay away from you not talk to you avoided you....

Ok ok I get it I'll guess I'll have to get her back because I love her and it was a mistake to brack up with her

Ya think




Yep lets go

Back with Skylee/Kate and Dominic

Way did I get up in this tree I am wearing a desase

Oh ya right I forgot

Want we can just walk right in to the village

Ok let's go

Back with Mason and Hannah

Hey Hannah


Is that not Dominic

Ya it is Mason

Let's go talk to him and his girl friend

M Mason k Kate h Hannah d Dominic

M hey buddy

D Mason is that you

M ya it is Dominic arndrus

H ok boys so have you seen Skylee around here

D no I have not way

M will we are looking for her man

D oh

M well who is this fine looking girl

K I am Kate and I am his girlfriend

D yes that's my girl friend Kate

H ok then we'll we will see you around then I guess

D ya bye

H bye

M bye

K bye

Skylee/Kate p.o.v wow I can't believe Dominic went with it it worked amazing


Ya Dominic

Kyras in there trust me she is

Ok thanks I think I will just wait a bit tell they fined out

Ok then Kate it's your choice

Thanks Dominic oh and it was so nice of you to go on with what I said

No problem

Ok then will I am going to go to the hotel

Ok then bye


I hope you injoyed this and I am so sorry it toke me for ever to get this chapter out its just I've been really busy with wrap lacrosse and lots of other things so bye

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