Chapter 1

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I woke up from yelling. I lift my head up from the pillow, to see Jen yelling into the phone. She been staying at my house for about 3 days now.

"  ethan stop! I told you I was at kaylie's and that I was going to be here for a few days. " Jen said while rolling her eyes.

" fine see you in a little bit. " she said into the phone.

" hey you okay?? " I asked her with raised eyebrows.

" yeah I'm fine. We got to get ready. " she sighed.

" for what exactly? " I asked standing up stretching out my long legs.

" we are going to a party with Ethan, and some of his friends. " she smiled at me with excitement in her brown eyes.

" when did I agree to this? " I asked with a side smile on my lips.

" you didn't have to. I'm making you! " she giggled grabbing me and practically  dragging me to the bathroom.

" I'm going to fix you. Your going to look stunning. " she smiled. Gesturing for me to sit on the toilet horse style.
Witch I obeyed. Jen is hard to argue with because you will lose!

" okay I'm finished!!! " she yelled in excitement clapping her hands together,  jumping up and down.

I turn around to see a whole different person. I actually looked decent. I looked like my mom. Witch made me want to cry. My mom died about 2 years ago. Car crash I was in the car driving us home from the mall.

" Kaylie you in there? " Jen laughed waving her hand in front of my face.

" yeah yeah sorry I was just thinking. " I smiled at her.

" you look beautiful! " she smiled.

" you as well. " I grinned.
( outfit that the girls wear up top! )

" yeah we are here where are you guys??" Jen yelled in her phone over all the loud people at this party.

Soon she hung up.
" there outside playing Beer pong. " she smiled at me.

She lead me outside where there was a huge pool. To the right there was a ladino with a table and people surrounding it, throwing balls into cups. I've heard of the game but never played it.

" hey babe!! " Ethan yelled walking towards us and wrapping Jen into a tight hug. They are so cute.

" hey Kaylie what's up??" Ethan smiled at me.

" nothing just got dragged to this party." I sarcastically said.

" hey hey now I'm the one throwing it. Don't be such a party pooper now! " Ethan laughed give me a pat on the shoulder.

Ethan's one of my best friends. That's actually how Jen met Ethan. They clicked instantly.

" hey you want to play. " Ethan asked Jen.

" nah nah I have to get up early in the morning and babysit. I can't be hung over. " she smiled at him.

" ah okay. So kaylieeeee how about you play? " Ethan asked me while wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

I let out a ugly sounding laugh.

" nah I'm fine. " I replied to him.

" no no no your playing" Jen yelled give me a glare.

" FINE" I said while rolling my eyes.

" good " Ethan smiled.

" why's that " I asked curious.

" because the winner plays Grayson. " Ethan smiled.

" WHAT!?!?  I can't play Grayson he scares me!! " I frown biting at my nials.

" nice to know your scared of me Babygirl. " A voice said from behind me .
I quickly turn around.
Then there he stood Grayson Dolan.

" I- I I wasn't talking about you. I meant the other Grayson. " I said quickly and stuttered on my words.

" sure Babygirl " he smirked.

" gray back off okay. " Jen said sternly walking in front of me with her hand folded over her chest.

" or what Jen? You can't do shit. " Grayson spat at her with a glare.

" that's enough Grayson just go. " Ethan said sternly. His face with no emotion. He was pissed.

" fine but I play the winner " Grayson smirked at me before walking away.

" if you don't want to play him then lose. " Jen stated simply.

" I will try. " I smiled at her.

First chapter!!!
I hope you guys liked it so far. I'm going to write another one tonight. If you see any typos or anything comment and let me know!! Also vote for my story!!!
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