Chapter 4

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" thanks for taking me home Nash. "

" anytime. It was my pleasure. Maybe we could do this again another night? "

I have him a weird look.

" not the whole Grayson thing. But I mean you and me go hangout get some food or something? " Nash smiled at me. While we make our way up to my door.

" sure I'd like that very much. " I say with a smile while I pick at my nails.
I do that when I'm nervous.

His smile got brighter.

" well good. I'll leave you then. Sleep well Kaylie. " Nash smiled leaning in giving my cheek a light kiss.

I can't Help but blush.
" thanks Nash. Sleep well!" I say before I walk into my house.

I make my way up to my room. The first thing I do is plunge in my phone. It went dead before me and Nash left the party.

While I wait for it to turn on, I go to my dresser for a change of clothes. I pick out a pair of black and white nike shorts and a black tank top. I change into the night outfit, and gather my long brown into a messy bun on the top of my head.

I run and jump on my bed grabbing my phone into my hands.

On the screen it read.

5 new messages from Jen.

11 new messages from gray.

I clicked on jens.

Jen: hey where are you?
Jen: me and Ethan are looking for you..
Jen: are you with Grayson, I swear Kaylie if you are in going to kill you!😡

Jen: Kaylie I just found out your not with Grayson. Call me asp! Grayson is a dick!!

Jen: Kaylie!! I'm worried please answer me!!! I'm scared! Did gray hurt you or something??

I was automatically annoyed. Grayson would never physically hurt Me.  Maybe mentally but not physically.
I ignore her and go to Graysons.

Grayson: Kaylie you okay?
Grayson: I'm sorry about what happened.
Grayson: I know it was wrong of me to get mad at you.
Grayson: Kaylie??
Grayson: if Nash hurt you I'll kill him!
Grayson: Don listen to anything Ethan or Jen says there liars!
Grayson: please answer me!
Grayson: Kaylie
Grayson: what happened to you. Answer me.
Grayson: Kaylie please! I said I was sorry! Please!!!!!

I know I should answer him and tell him I'm okay. But I don't want to have a conversation with him. I hate talking to him. Or see him because all the memories come back and I just want to break down because I love him. But I have to let him go... I threw my phone to the floor. And lad my head on my pillow. Look at the ceiling just thinking back to freshman year. How I miss it. Jen was dating Nate but oh well there good friends now. But I miss it. Me and gray were closer then ever. I miss him.

Then all of a sudden a head my window open and shut. There was a big thug. I quickly look to my window. There stood the one person I hated but loved the most.... Grayson.

"What in the fuck are you doing here??" I yell/whispered.

" calm down. I came to see if you were okay. " Grayson said softly making his way towards me. He sat on the edge of my bed.

" Grayson I'm fine. Just leave please. " I say looking down.

" I'm not leaving Kaylie. I messaged you a million times. You didn't answer you left me worried. Kaylie I'm sorry about everything. " Grayson pleaded.

" fine I forgive you. " I mutter.

" graysons face light up. OMG Kaylie thank you. I love you so much. " Grayson said in excitement giving me a bone crushing hug.
The. All of a sudden his lips found mine. His soft warm lips were in mine. I found myself moving my lips with his. I missed how they went together perfectly. How he tasted. I missed his touch. Then I thought about what he did and pulled away.

" stop! " I whisper pulling a way.

Hey guys!!!! I hope you liked this chapter!!! Comment what you thought and vote for my story!!! I love you all thanks for all the love!! ❤️❤️❤️
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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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