Chapter 3

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" thanks Nash right? " I asked looking down playing with my fingers.

" anytime and its Nash. You okay though? " He asked me with worried eyes.

" yeah, I'm fine. " I muttered the lie out. I'm definitely not fine. I'm actually far from fine.

" I didn't know you dated Grayson. " Nash said with a frown.

" yep. Freshman year actually. " I said sternly while little flashbacks came back. The fun times the bad times.

" and why did you break up? " Nash asked me with a questionable look on his face.

" please I don't want to talk about it. " I said while I look to the floor biting my nails.

" no it's fine I'm sorry I asked. It was rude and uncalled for. " Nash said with concern in his voice.

" need a ride home? " Nash asked with a bright smile that showed his teeth. His eyes sparkled in the moon light.

" yes please. " I smiled back.

Jens pov

" do you know where Kaylies gone to? " I asked Ethan
" no I saw her with Grayson though. " Ethan frowned while he intertwined out hands.

I know he's trying to make me feel better. But I'm scared for Kaylie. Grayson isn't the best person for her to be around. He's unstable. And the have a past.

" we need to find her. " I told him looking up at him.

" we will baby. I promise. " Ethan smiled pecking my lips. I returned the smile. Then it faded as I seen Grayson sitting in the coach chugging a beer.

I quickly made my way to him and stopped right infront of him.

" where's Kaylie. " I said sternly giving him a dead glare.

" why should I know? " Grayson sneered.

" don't play that dumb shit Grayson. Where is she? Did you hurt her? What'd you do? " I spat at him.

I felt someone grab my shoulder. It was Ethan. Probably telling me I went to far.

Grayson's eyes went dark. His jaw clenched. He looked terrifying.

I took a step back as he got up from the couch.

" you bitch.  How dear you say I heard Kaylie.  I would never lay a finger on her. You're selfish bitch that only cares about herself. You don't know what I've been through and you sure as hell don't know what kaylies been threw. " Grayson sneered with every word his eyes got darker.

" you've hurt her before Grayson. Many times in fact. And we all go threw things. You just wallow in the bad. I'm sick of your shit Grayson. I don't feel bad for you. " I spat back at him. His eyes got darker if that's even possible.

He took a step forward and shoved me with such a great force. I fell to the ground instantly. The pain from the fall was overwhelming.

" go away you little bitch. " Grayson yelled in my face.

" Grayson leave now! " Ethan roared.

Grayson pov.

I knew what just happened was my fault. I also know she'll go run her mouth to Kaylie. I don't want that. I don't want Kaylie to feel like I'm out of control.
But the true is I am. Losing her was what broke me. I miss her. I need her.
She was always there when I needed her. But this time she's no where to be found. I just want her. I will get her back if its the last thing I do.

Well comment vote. Tell me what you guys thought. Sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been sick .

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