New Beginnings

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"Today is the day" I mumbled to myself. Realizing how hard I worked to get here . While I'm getting ready to put on my silk red dress , which I spent so much money on , I hear keys ringing and glass breaking , I knew my mom was home from where ever.

"Jay - " said mom before she fell to the floor gripping the Hennessey bottle .
I helped her up to her room so she could get some sleep . As I'm tucking her in bed , I couldn't help but look at the clock on her night stand to see that the time was . 8 :30 a.m. it stated
"Shit !" I yelled aggressively . I was late for my graduation , I rushed and grabbed what I needed and took off in my mother's car. 
When I arrived , the place was packed . I saw all my friends and a couple of new faces but I didn't really care . I was one step away from my Bachelor's in Criminal Justice .
  "Jayla Adams" said the weird lady with the too big glasses . As I walked across the stage I could see my friends , who needs a family when I have them .
When I get down I was weirdly approached by one of the "new faces" I call them . "Hey, Congrats !" Says the new face .
"Thanks , and you are ? " I asked curiously.
"Justin , but you can call me Jay spazz " He said attempting to make a joke but it didn't work , at least he tried.
"What are you graduating or something ?" I asked .
" No I graduated a year ago" He says constantly attempting to impress me .
"That's cool" I said while slowly walking away .
"Wait , I'm your brother !" He yells instantly gaining everyone's attention .

I completely froze . "Brother ?" I thought to myself . How is this even possible ? Why on my graduation day he decides to tell me ? What are his intentions ?

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