Brotherly Love

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"How ? " I asked Justin .

" 18 years ago Your mother , well our mother gave me up for adoption to very nice people , she was an alcoholic that wasn't able to raise me , at least I was told that. I've been trying to contact you for years , traveling all over America only to find you here in Seattle " Justin explained.

I wasn't really upset , it was overwhelming yet I was happy that I finally had family to connect with and get to know better.

After our little chat we went out for Ice cream , telling about each other lives and what we've been through in life and a bunch of other crappy stuff .

I invited him over for dinner , mom was still sleep of course but I knew she wouldn't mind . We sat , ate , and laughed our way through dinner .

" Where is your bathroom ? " he asked.

" Upstairs all the way to the left , next to mom's room actually " I explained.

I started to put on more makeup and lipstick . "Ewww , am I really trying to impress him ? That's disgusting he's  my brother !" I mumbled to myself.

He came back from the restroom , took him a while  .

" I , I have to go like now ! Call you later ." he says while running out the door.

I thought that was a little weird but oh well . After I cleaned up the kitchen , I went upstairs to tell my mom Goodnight but when I opened the door . I saw her leaning off her bed with multiple stab wounds all over her . There was blood everywhere. I rushed and found a phone .

"911 how may I help you ?"

" It's my mom , she was stabbed . Please Help !!" I said while constantly crying.

Who did this ? Was it Justin ? Why would anyone do this to me ? And on my graduation day. 

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