You're jealous.

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Author(s): Zero and Pixxie.



"I'll be right back. The food's ready. Wait here." Austin kissed your cheek. You were about to protest and say you could go with him, but you decided to just agree.

You glanced towards Austin to see a girl behind him was smiling and talking to him. Her posture said "Hey, you're really cute." He was talking to her.

Your mouth hung open. Was he really talking to her? Did he not see it?

Without thinking, you got up and walked over to Austin. You linked arms with him. "Hello there. I'm (y/n). Have you met Austin?"

"Yeah, he's cute."

"And he's taken." You added a small laugh at the end to make it seem casual. "No offense, but I thought you were flirting with him."

"I-- Yeah-- I mean, I have to go." She said quickly. "Wait, no, my food's here. Well, goodbye. . . I'll just turn the other way. No, I'll wait until you're out of the line. No offense. Bye." She hurriedly left the line.

"(n/n), you didn't have to do that."

"Austin, she was flirting with you. I know I was a bit rude. But, I didn't like it. . . I'm sorry." You let out a sigh, ashamed of how you acted.

"(y/n), babe, it's alright. Everyone gets jealous. Including me. I can't say I've never been rude about it. I know that you care about me. I only love you." Austin smiled.

You smiled back at him. "I love you too." You kissed him. He kissed back.


You watched as Levi talked to Camila Cabello. You had a pretty good idea of what he was talking about. He was complimenting her on her song with Shawn Mendes. "I know what you did last summer."

You had told him it was fine and that he should go talk to her if he wants to. You knew how big of a Shawn Mendes fan Levi was.

But, you were starting to get jealous. She smiled at him and said something you couldn't hear. Your boyfriend of eight months was smiling at her and nodding. Why wouldn't you be jealous of her? She was beautiful, seemed nice, and had a great singing voice.

Levi waved at her before returning to you. You bit your lip. Your boyfriend noticed and knew something was up. You usually bit your lip when you were concentrating on something--which was school or work--or when something was wrong and you weren't telling the person.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" Levi asked, concerned.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong." You offered him a smile. "I understand that you want to talk to other artists and that's completely fine with me. It's just-- She's really pretty, seems nice, and she has a great voice."

"(n/n), I understand. But, you don't have to be worried. Sure, she's pretty, but you're stunning. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You're really nice and you make me smile so much. You have an amazing voice and you are amazing in every way. I promise. I don't want anyone else but you."

You blushed before a grin appeared on your face. "I don't want anyone else but you, too, Levi."

He kissed you. You returned the kiss, putting your arms around his neck. He put his hands on your hips.


Drew invited you to go with him to his friend's birthday party. The person was one of his closest friends. You accepted the invite and went to the party with Drew. You both arrived and when Drew went to wish the person a happy birthday, you watched him and noticed his friend was a girl.

You watched her hug him and saw him return the hug. You kept reminding yourself that they were just close friends and that she probably only liked him like a brother. That thought vanished when you saw her give him a kiss on the cheek which lasted a moment or two.

You became jealous. Your jealously caused you to walk over to Drew and the girl. You tapped Drew on the shoulder. He looked at you and you smashed your lips into his, kissing him. Your eyes were closed, even though you kinda wanted to see the girl's reaction. Drew was surprised, but he returned the kiss. A few moments later, you pulled away and opened your eyes. You looked at your boyfriend [<---- Drew.]

"What was that kiss for, babe?" He asked you in surprise and confusion.

You became embarrassed. "W-Well, she kissed you..." You said as you looked down some. You then looked at him again, only to see him grinning at you. You were surprised at that.

"What are you grinning about?" You asked him in confusion.

"You got jealous," He replied. Then, he stopped grinning and told you, "No, but, you really have nothing to worry about. I don't like my friend that way. I don't like her romantically. I just think of her as a close friend and a sister. I only have feelings for you, (y/n)."

"I believe you. I only have feelings for you, Drew. I feel bad about what I did. I interrupted your time with her." You said sadly.

"It's okay. I get jealous, too. But, she is not even paying attention anymore. She only greeted me briefly and she's been chatting more with everyone else. I really mean everyone. She ignores me when her other friends are over. All the time. So, with that said, would you like to leave? Because I would." He quietly admitted to you. You were surprised by his words, but you nodded. "Okay. I am going to tell her that we're leaving." He told you. Then, he kissed your cheek before walking away. A minute later, he walked over to you and grabbed your hand. You both left the party.


You and Nate were hanging out at the park. You went to go use the restroom. After you left, a girl sat down next to Nate on the bench. She was in the spot where you were just sitting. Nate looked at her. "Can I help you?" He asked her. She looked at him and grinned.

"Yes, actually. You can help me by giving me your number." She replied and then winked.

Nate was surprised. He opened his mouth to say something, until you walked over to the bench and said to the girl, "Sorry, but if you need his phone number, he will not be able to help you out. I am sure a boy who doesn't have a girlfriend would help you, though." The girl looked surprised and sad when you said that.

The girl stood up from the bench. "Yeah...Uh, I wasn't asking him, anyway...Whatever...." She muttered before walking away. You sat down next to him.

"You don't have to be jealous," He said after a moment.

"Jealous?" You asked him. "Okay, I got jealous.." You admitted.

"Well, I like you. I don't even know her and I really don't want to because she's not you." He told you. You blushed and rested your head on his shoulder before smiling to yourself.

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