Walk Away- The Script.

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I don't know why she's with me
I only brought her trouble since the day she met me.

Austin didn't know why you didn't break up with him awhile. He's just brought you trouble. He makes you get in trouble, even though it's on accident. He's just doesn't understand why you are still dating him. Why were you? He asks himself that all the time.


Somehow instead she forgave me
She said a woman's got to do what she's got to
Even if it means she denied herself the truth
'Cause when you're in too deep you wake up when it's too late

You were with Levi. Your parents were saying rude things because they knew what he did. "This boy made many people get rushed to the hospital. The reason is because he's started fights with them. That's why you're cousin has been unconscious for hours!" Your mother told you.

"No. Stop saying that! Even if he did fight people, he didn't mean to take it that far! I know that! You know what? I am leaving with him!" You said. You quickly left your house. You saw Levi walking outside. He stopped when he saw you. He looked at you. You ran into his arms.

"My parents keep saying that you caused those fights...! I don't believe them! It's not your fault those people are hurt!" You told him. His arms were wrapped around you as you hugged him.

"(Y/n)...I already told you...It is still my fault, even if I didn't mean it." He told you.

"It don't agree...!" You said. Levi knew that you were too in love with him. He feared that when you finally realize it was still his fault, it would be too late.


So walk away
(Walk away)
Walk away, oh
Save yourself from the heartache, oh
Go now before it's too late
But still she stays

Drew just wanted you to walk away and leave him. He loved you, but he didn't want your heart to get broken by him. But, you still stayed. He'd rather you just walk away and leave him before he breaks your heart.


She's standing in the heart of darkness
Saying I know you got a soul even though you're heartless
How could any woman in their right mind be so blind
To find something this safe
Instead of walking with me she should have walked away

"I know you have a soul, even though you are heartless."

Those words of yours echoed in Nate's head. How could you say that? How could you be so blind? You felt safe with him. You had met him when you were walking by yourself and then you saw him and walked next to him after he told you his name. You shouldn't have walked with him. But, you did and now you love him. You shouldn't have walked next to him or talked to him.

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