He Likes You, But You Don't Know.

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You were sitting on the couch next to Austin. Your legs were draped over his. You watched as Drew and Levi fought over the remote. "Guys, stop fighting. We can all agree on something."

"But, we can watch 'South Park!'"

"No, 'Family Guy!'"

"I'm telling Mom!" Levi joked.

"Neither one." You decided. "Let's just see what else is on."

"Fine." Drew flipped through channels before landing on an episode of "Modern Family."

"Wait!" You yelled.

"No, not this again." They all groaned.

"I thought you all liked it." You said, confused.

"We do. It's really funny. But, we always, always watch it. You're obsessed with it, (y/n)." Nate laughed.

"What? I am not."

"Guys, I like the show." Austin told the boys.

"Of course you would." Levi mumbled, not knowing you heard him.

"What do you mean, Levi?" You asked, worried.

"Hm? Oh, uh. . . Aus. . . Nothing!" Levi quickly replied.

You stared at him for a few seconds. "Right. Well, I guess we could watch something else." You didn't believe Levi, but you decided to let it go.


You chased after Levi, trying to catch the boy. He was acting weird and when you asked him about it, he stammered and said, "I, uh, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not acting weird. I'm fine. . . Completely fine." Then, he nervously laughed and told you he was getting a phone call and had to answer it.

That wasn't the first time it happened. He would avoid you most of the time and, when he saw you, he'd magically answer his phone. But, it was usually on silent. Once, you called him while you could see him and he didn't notice it.

You were tired of his behavior. You had known him for two years and you were suddenly a stranger. A few minutes ago, you yelled his name and he started running. You immediately ran after him.

You were running out of oxegyn and started panting. You stopped, placing your hands on your knees, bent over. You tried to regain your breath. After a minute, you looked up. You couldn't see Levi anywhere. You started walking around, not caring anymore.

You felt like crying. You lost your best friend and crush. The worst part was you didn't know why. You wiped away a stray tear. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself down. You heard footsteps and hid behind a tree.

You didn't know why you hid, but it would look creepy if you appeared now. You heard a very familiar voice and slowly rotated so you were basically behind him. Without thinking, you quickly tackled him, sending you both to the ground with you on top of him. You landed on his back, your hands around him.

"What the--" He lifted his head up, looking behind him. He saw you. "(y/n)?!"

"Why are you avoiding me?" You asked, getting straight to the point.

"Why did you tackle me?"

"Because you like 'All Time Low.'" You rolled your eyes. "It's because you've been avoiding me and if I didn't, you would have run from me, right?"

He didn't respond. You got off of him.

"I just don't understand why you're throwing our friendship away." You looked at the ground, afraid of what he'd say. "What did I do wrong?"


"Hi, Drew." You smiled, hugging your best friend. He returned the hug, smiling.

"Hey, how are you?" Drew asked before you pulled away. You didn't want to hug him for a long time because you thought it would make your feelings for him obvious. But, you really wanted to hug him for hours and kiss him.

"Good, you?" You beamed.

"I'm good, thanks." Drew smiled. "So, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to do a short livestream for the fans?"

"Sure, yeah. I don't mind." You nodded. "Do we just answer their questions and respond to them?"

"Yeah." Drew replied. "Would you like to do it now?"

"Mhm." You bit your lip and sat down on the sofa. Drew set up his laptop and placed it on the table in front of you two. He tapped on his phone, tweeting about the livestream.

@TheTide: Doing a Facebook livestream with my friend @(your twitter name)! -Droo.

He retweeted it on his personal account before looking at the camera. You smiled, feeling nervous. "Hey guys. (y/n) is joining me in this livestream." He looked at you. "What's your name?"

"Wha-- You just said my name!" You laughed. He laughed, too. "My name is (y/n)."

"So, we met in Middle school when we were fourteen." Drew told the fans who were watching. "We're going to answer some questions now. Go ahead and send them." He squinted at the screen.

"Describe your dream girl." Drew read out loud. "Well, (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and someone who is really funny. They'd have to make me laugh a lot and we could spend hours talking about the dumbest things."

Your heart shattered. He liked someone and you foolishly let yourself like him. You thought you had a connection, but you were wrong. This other girl and him had one. You didn't show how upset you were. You just listened as he looked for more questions.

"Who's your favorite person in the world, (y/n)?"

"You." You answered without thinking about it. He smiled and you thought you saw him blush.

"Aw, thanks. But, Milo is probably my favorite person." Drew joked.

"Not me?"


"Ouch." You chuckled.


"(y/n), I need your help." Nate said, entering the room. You were hanging out at his house.

"With what?" You asked, looking away from the TV to see him.

"I, uh, have a date tomorrow night." He answered.

You wanted to tell him he couldn't go, that he belonged with you. But, he must have liked his date. So, you pursed your lips before saying, "Oh. What do you need help with?"

"I don't know what to wear." Nate replied. You sighed.

"Let's go look through your closet." You got up, walking to his room. He followed you.

"Is it a casual date?" You asked.

"Yeah, it is. We're going to go to the park and have a picnic." Nate replied. You rolled your eyes, but he didn't see you. Why couldn't he notice that you liked him?

"Oh, cool." You faked a smile before picking out a shirt for him. After he had an outfit for the date, he wouldn't stop talking about this girl. You had enough and finally snapped.

"Please stop talking about her." You groaned. He looked confused.

"Why? I really like her."

"I know!" You exclaimed.

"What's wrong, (y/n)?" He asked, concerned.

"Just have fun on your date!" You stormed out of his house, starting to walk home.


There will be a part two.

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