Pretending He's Your Boyfriend.

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(Author: pixxiewingz)


You were just working at your job. Until some guy went over to you and asked, "Um, ma'am?" You turned around and noticed that they were talking to you.

"Oh, yes?" You asked the random male.

"You are really pretty and I, uh, noticed that you are the most talented person at this place. Do you want to hang out with me after your shift ends?" The person asked you. You didn't know the person, so you tried to let him down easy.

"Well, thank you for the compliments. But, I don't want to hang out after my shift because I am already exhausted." You told the person. You actually were pretty exhausted.

"Oh. Well, okay. How about you give me your number? Wait, no. I mean..Uh...Maybe tomorrow?" He asked you.

"I can't...I have a boyfriend." You lied. You looked around and saw Austin enter the place to visit you. You two were best friends. "He's here now." You said after looking at the guy.

"Oh. Um...Sorry.." The guy said bed leaving. You sighed in relief.

Austin walked over to you. You two hugged before pulling away at the same time. "What was that about? The guy left really quickly." He said to you.

"I know. He wouldn't leave me alone, so I told him that you we are dating." You admitted. He chuckled.


You were waiting for your best friend Levi to come back. You were hanging out with him. He was going to go get some food since you two were at the mall. You were close by. "Hey, you are very beautiful. Your name is (Y/n), right?" A boy asked you after walking to you.

You became confused and very weirded out. "Uh, how do you know that?" You asked the boy.

"I, uh, watched you hang out with that boy. Best friend, yeah?" He asked you. You became nervous and saw Levi coming over after he put the food on a table. You looked at the boy and answered, "Boyfriend, actually," before quickly going to Levi and kissing him. He was surprised, but he understood why you kissed him when he saw the boy looking at you. He closed his eyes and returned the kiss. When the boy walked away, he pulled away from the kiss.

"Sorry. He just was freaking me out." You told Levi, talking about the boy. "So, I told him that you are my boyfriend."

"It's okay. Do you want me to be your boyfriend?" He asked you with a small smile. You blushed.


You were at a party with Drew. You had a little crush on him, but you would also be fine if you stayed as just his very close friend. "Hey. You are very pretty. Would you like to dance with me and then we can go somewhere else together?" A random boy asked you after going to you. He looked your age.

"No," You replied.

"Why not?" The boy asked you. You were nervous. Drew walked over and you felt him grab your hand.

"Because she's my girlfriend," Drew lied to the boy.

The boy just responded, "Whatever, I'm leaving," before walking away. You looked at Drew once the boy was out of both your sights. He let go of your hand.

"Thank you for doing that for me. I owe you. You are the best friend anybody could ask for." You said to him.

"It's no problem. You don't owe me." He responded.


You were at the movies with your best friend Nate Parker. You two were waiting in line to enter the theater. You spotted a girl from school who was always rude and mean to you. You looked away, hoping that she didn't notice you. You and Nate bought the tickets for the movie you two were going to see. You entered the theater and gave the worker your tickets.

The person told you what room to go to for the movie. You everything was going good, until you heard a voice that was sadly too familiar say, "Oh, (Y/n)!" You tried to ignore that voice, but the person walked over to you and Nate. There was the very mean girl. She was the one who just called your name and walked over to you. A boy was next to her and as soon as she walked over, she grabbed his hand, intertwining her fingers with his.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Meet Trey. He's so amazing. I bet you wish he'd date you. Although, he wouldn't." She said and then noticed Nate. "Who is this? I hope it's not your boyfriend because I would feel sorry for him. Although, I am sure that if I were single, he'd be with me." She told you rudely. Tears began to form in the back of your eyes. You started blinking, in attempt to make them go away.

"I actually am her boyfriend." You heard Nate say before you felt him grab your hand and intertwine his fingers with yours. "And I prefer her way more than I would prefer you. Although, I would never prefer you. I will never want to date you. You are mean to (Y/n). I 'date' (y/n) because she is beautiful on the inside and the outside. She is smart and very nice. Don't talk to us. Don't be mean to her or anyone else." He continued. The girl was speechless. You watched her struggle for words.

"Well...Whatever....Forget you. You are just a stupid loser. My boyfriend is better than you two! Come on, babe.." She said and then turned on her high heels and walked away. You looked at Nate. You were speechless. You realized how much he's been there and you realized that you liked him. You were just looking at him. After a whole minute, he looked at you.

"You okay?" He asked you in concern, snapping you out of your thoughts. You blinked.

"Uh..Yeah. Thanks so much for helping me out and saying those nice things." You said, becoming nervous.
"It's no problem. They were true. All of it was true. You are really amazing." He told you, making your heart beat speed up. You began to feel heat on your cheeks.

"You are, too. Well, let's hurry. The previews are probably almost over by now. Don't want to miss anything." You said, trying to get out of the situation. You and Nate went to the movie.

(I might make a Nate imagine like that. Should I? )

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