Land mythicals : elves, dwarves and gnomes

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Elves :

Elves can be depicted as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty living in forests and other natural places, or as small trickster creatures. Elves generally possessed supernatural abilites, often related to disease, which they use for good (healing) or ill (sickening) depending on their relationship toward the person they are affecting. They also had some power over time, in that they could entrap human beings with their music and dance. Some elves are small, fairy-like creatures, possibly invisible, whereas others appeared human-sized. Generally they are long-lived, if not immortal.

- there are different types of elves, but the most common are forest and mountain elves.
- elves are major tricksters which means they have a massive influence on the naive of minds.
- when played with, the elves have this tendency to actually control time, only when the human is able to spend his/her time to communicate with the elf.
- elves can only trick humans and those of human lineage. It would actually be miracle for an elf to trick a fellow mythical.
- it is also easy to trick an elf to someone's bidding.
- never a shy type, they're mischief hunters.
- their strengths in weapon wielding are bows and arrows as well as swords
- they usually come out after sunset to work their tricks, which include stealing babies, cattle, milk, and jewels
- the males occasionally appear very old, but some males and most females use sorcery to hide their age.
- to appease offended elves, you must show a grand respect for your environment, including all of nature and the little things that live and grow, as well as yourself and your personal living space.
- elves are a semi-divine beings of human stature

Dwarves :

Dwarves are humanoid in form, but stocky and short. They are connected with the Earth and are often said to be miners, engineers, and craftsmen. Though they may appear to be stubby, they are actually quite strong, intelligent and creative. They usually have magical talents, often involving metallurgy. They are gifted not only as blacksmiths, but as tailors, bakers, and fortune tellers as well. Dwarves give money to the poor, create unending food supplies for the hungry, and produce magical healing herbs for the sick.

Notes :
- dwarves are of a diligent character.
- it was said that they are often depicted as being as ugly as their craftsmanship is great.
- regarding the appearance and way of lifestyle, they had strong associations with death : pale skin; dark hair; connections with the earth; their role in mythology.
- dwarves are the guardians of minerals and precious metals of the earth.
- they have the ability to become invisible whenever they desire to do so.
- they are benevolent and kind, known to offer magical solutions to those in distress, but they will not hesitate to take back their gifts from the underserving.
- the knifes they often use for their blacksmithing have the abilities to cut through anything it touches. These objects are highly valued and useful, but often carry a curse of some kind.
- their magic usually lie within either : a cloak, a ring, a belt, or their hats.
- dwarves are slow runners and poor riders, but are said to be excellent warrior and defenders of their strongholds.

Gnomes :

Gnomes are a class of creatures that are taken on many different meanings, but most generally refers to very small people, often men, that live in dark places, especially underground, in the depths of the forests, or more recently in gardens. Gnome legends have their variations of the gnomes own lifestyle, some helping plants and animals, some helping humans, some reclusive ones staying underground or in dark firests, perhaps hoarding treasure, and others interacting mischievously if even harmfully with humans. Modern traditions portray gnomes as small, old men wearing pointed gars and living in forests and gardens. Despite varying forms, gnomes have the common attribute of being able to move through the earth as easily as humans move atop it. They experiment in Alchemy (a combination of Magic and Science originally developed in the hopes of turning base metals into gold). Gnomekind's obsession with acquiring wealth has brought them to the very bowels if the Earth.

Notes :
- Gnomes are the guardians of the treasures of the Earth and Earth itself.
- they usually wear brown robes that resemble the habits of monks
- resemble tiny old men and they rarely speak
- gnomes (like their dwarfish kin) are slaves to their greed, and are often evil as a result
- they burrow in soft soil, feed mainly on roots, and are kleptomaniac (strong desire to steal things)
- gnomes are incredibly strong and fast, and said it possess almost supernatural abilities in the manipulation of natural material (although they also are said to fiercely guard against any unnecessary damage to the earth and wildlife).

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