Light mythicals : angels

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Angels :

Angels are messengers of God's will. But it usually describes the whole range of spirits whom God has created, including both good and evil angels, and special categories such as cherubim, seraphim, archangel and the such (will be discussed further in the chapter). Angels are "ministering spirits" and do not have physical bodied like humans. It was made clear though in the bible that angels can only be in one place at a time. They must have some localized presence since it takes power to be spirited in a spot. Angels can take on the appearance of men when the occasion demands. On the other hand, their appearance is sometimes in dazzling white and blazing glory. Since angels are spirits rather than physical beings, they don't have to be visible at all. When angels do appear, they generally appear in the form of men (Angels always appear as males rather than females). Sometimes an angel appears to be a man with unusual features. (Daniel saw an angel with arms and legs resembling polished metal and precious stones, and a face like lightning (Daniel 10:5-6))

The ranks of angels/ hierarchy of angels :

9 classes or more known as "choirs"
These choirs were divided into 3 spheres: 1st sphere, 2nd sphere and 3rd sphere.

1st sphere : Seraphim Cheribum and Thrones

Seraphim - sometimes called "the burning ones" because they are closest to God and radiate Pure light. These are angels who constantly sing Hod's praise, and whose duty it is to regulate the heavens. A Seraphim has six wings, two covered his/her face, another two were used for flight, and the last pair covered his/her feet. (Lucifer is said to have been one of the Seraphim who had outshone all others until he became the head of the fallen angels. And technically, Lucifer is not a demon, he just had the influence that all demons had bowed down before him)
- a Seraphim usually moves slowly but can also appear in a flash. Spread of Divine Consciousness which helps people would come directly from the Seraphim and a sparkling energy perceived only by persons with sixth sense, a star like glow would come from the area the soul must be. (Sixth sense - may also be the subtle perception ability which is the ability to perceive the subtle-dimension or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, Heaven, etc. this also includes the ability to understand the subtle cause and effect relationship between many events, which is beyond the understanding if the intellect. Extrasensory percpection, clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or subtle perception ability.)

Cherubim - sent to guard the gates of Eden. Originally they were depicted as the bearer of God's throne, as the cahrioteers, and as powerful beings with four wings and four faces. However, in modern times, Cheribum have evolved into chubby babies with wings.
- they have rays of strong white light emitting from around the head, has a star like glow of radiant energy even brighter than the rays of white light. The body has a bluish white subtle covering and the Cherubim do not have legs but wave like form tails like a ghost.

Thrones - called the "many eyed ones" have the duty of carrying God's decisions. They are often represented as firey wheels.

2nd sphere : Dominions, Virtues and Powers

Dominions - their job is to regulate the duties of the other Angels and ensure that God's wishes are carried out.
- their top heads would be glowing since the dominions help other through encouraging thoughts and they would constantly think about these thoughts carefully. There would be a divine glow coming from the center of the body, exactly where the soul must be.

Virtues - the Angels of Grace who bring God's blessings to Earth, usually in the form of miracles. Known as the 'brilliant' or "shining" ones, they are associated with the acts of heroism and bring courage when needed.

Powers - their job is to prevent the 'fallen angels' from taking over the world and keeping the Universe in balance. They are also seen as the Angels of birth and death.
- Powers have a divine glow like the Dominions, but brighter. This would be the Powers' divine consciousness. There would be an energy transfer and small bundles if energy emitting out of the body. The body of a Powers is a transparent glass like form that would also have rays of glowing light.

3rd sphere : Principalities, Archangels and Angels

Principalities - the Guardian Angels if cities, nations and rulers, and guards against the invasion of evil angels.
- three angels go together so that they have enough spiritual power, and subtle basic purity and knowledge component, so technically one Principalities is three angels. The Principalities send off some warm and peaceful energy flow, another sort of energy emanating from the inside of the angel, and the flow of frequencies of happiness with Divine Consciousness.

Archangels - probably best known of all Angels. They carry God's most important messages to humans. They also command God's 'armies' of angels in the constant battle with the "sons of darkness".
- Archangels have a soft glow of Divine Consciousness emanating from the brow area, and positive energy spreads from the glow which calms the minds of people

Angels - the celestial beings closest to humans. They act as intermediaries between the Almighty and humanity. Often called as our "Guardian Angels"

((Take note that Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Power and Principalities are already both singular and plural form.))

There are 10 types of angels
1) worship and praise
2) messengers
3) guiding
4) providing
5) protecting
6) delivering
7) strengthening and encouraging
8) answering prayer
9) caring for believers at the moment of death
10) executioners

Notes :
- angels in the bible never appear as cute, chubby infants. They are always full-grown adults. When people in the bible saw an angel, their typical response was to fall on their faces in fear and awe, not to reach out and tickle an adorable baby.
- angels are not glorified human beings. They do not marry or reproduce like humans.
- angels are a company or association, not a race descended from a common ancestor. Humans are called "sons of men", but angels are never called "sons of angels"
- the number of angels is very great. It appears that all angels were created at one time. No new angels are being added to their number. Angels are not subject to death or any form of exinction; therefore they do not decrease in number. But whenever there is a war between heaven and hell, only after the conflict would there be another set of angels to be made.
- there are at least as many spirit beings in existence as there will have been human beings in all their history of earth.
- some angels have wings, but not most. Some wings are meant for flight, others for the protection of the angel. It is certain that angels could make their wings invisible and untouchable before human beings.
- angels are stronger than man, but not omnipotent.
- they are greater than man, but not omniscient.
- they are more noble than man, but not omnipresent.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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