Land mythicals : gorgons

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Gorgons :

The Gorgons are vicious female mythical creatures that possessed the ability to turn a person into stone by looking at them. They possessed both beautiful and hideous traits, the most famous being their head if coiled living snakes instead of normal human hair, the sight of which turns the beholder to stone. They have also been depicted as young women with round faces, flat noses, huge tusk-like teeth, and lolling tongues. Sometimes they have golden wings, brazen claws, sharp fangs and bodies covered with impenetrable scales.

Notes :
- they are said to live in the ultimate west, near the ocean.
- their beauty attracted all people to look at them, despite the presence of the snakes in their hair which could readily be seen as an indication of their evil nature.
- it is not said if they can fly with their gold wings.

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