Land mythicals : Giants and cyclops

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Giants :

Giants are large versions of human beings. They are monsters of human appearance, but prodigious size and strength, though most are more savage and less civilized. Gigantic peoples are featured as primeval creatures associated with chaos and the wild nature, they are frequently in conflict with the gods. Attributed to them are superhuman strength and physical proportions, a long lifespan, and thus a great deal of knowledge as well.

Cyclops :

The cyclopses are portrayed as giant men with one eye, which is located in the center of their forehead. These creatures are savages, lawless and often cruel. They preferred to live in the wilderness, but would harass men in search for supplies. This variety of cyclops was not know for their brains. Being a generally savage race they did not wear much clothing, usually only a loincloth and sandals.

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