Chapter 3 - Gummy Bears are my babies

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So people, I want to thank all who have supported me on my story!!! sooo I decided to upload early. "because your worth it" ;p


The bell rung for lunch, I gave a big, long sigh. I swear this is one of the longest days that ever existed. The teacher was setting some homework for us to complete for next week, some sort of essay. Pfft, I don't even know what lesson this is, let alone write a whole three paged essay on it. I sluggishly got up and dragged my feet towards the door. Walking down the half empty corridor, I realized that if I don't do something to wake myself up soon, I'll be sleeping in my lunch. From underneath my jumper, I pulled out an earphone and plugged it in my ear. Turning up the volume, I realized that it was my favorite song. “Oh, I'm a gummy bear, Yes, I'm a gummy bear. Oh, I'm a yummy, jumpy, funny-looking gummy bear!” I sang loudly while hopping towards the cafeteria. I grinned like the Cheshire cat as I rounded the corner into the room where it was sufficiently labeled 'Cafeteria'.

I entered smiling around at random people. I waved at some people sitting down at the far corner. The whole table stared at me like I had the plague. A guy barged past me, “Freak.” he muttered. My grin grew wider. “Thank you.” I yelled back at him. He looked back at me with wide scared eyes and started to pick up his pace. I followed him, hoping to make friends with this strange, mysterious guy. He stopped at a large table and my worst nightmare came true. There sat Action man with his dark hair and blue, blue eyes, moving a gummy bear agonizingly slowly towards his open mouth. The bear was thrown into the dark cave. Everything went into slow motion. “NOOOOooooo” I yelled, sprinting over to him, I tackled him out of his chair and onto the ground. Sparks flew all over my body which I ignored. Nothing was more important than saving that poor, defenseless bear from the big bad wolf. I wriggled my fingers through his lips and into his mouth, forcing it open, I peered inside. I frowned where was he? “You don't have to hide, you can come out now.” I bellowed into his mouth. By now the whole school was watching me. Action man was wearing a frightened, surprised face. “Where is my surgical equipment, when I need it?” I muttered. His eyes slowly grew into huge saucers and he started to thrash around trying to get out from underneath me. I stuffed my hands into his gob, he gagged, my hands wrapped around something and I pulled. Action man let out a yelp.

My eyebrows knitted together. “Oops, I think that was your tongue.” I said to him. Suddenly, I blinked and he was on top of me, his hands pinning down my arms. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” He growled in a tone so scary and big even I, the Alpha's daughter, whimpered. His eyes softened slightly and he released my arms. I grimaced as I saw that my hands were all wet and slimy.

“Eww.” I whined and wiped my hands on his shirt. He watched me, eyebrows raised, amused.

“Are you finished yet?” He asked. I nodded my head. “Are you going to answer my question?” I put a finger to my chin, pretending to think about. I sighed in defeat.

“I was going to save the gummy bear from his terrible death.” I told him, my face grew sad as I realized that I failed in my mission and the bear was dead. “R.I.P. Gummy Bear.” My expression contorted into anger as I thought about who murdered him. I turned to the guy on top of me. “You killed my baby.” There were loud gasps from the people in the room. His face suddenly grew panicked.

“What?!” He shouted. “I-I never even met you before today.” I sighed how dim can he get.

“Gummy Bears are my babies.” I all but screamed at his face, shoving his shoulders hard to get him off me. I jumped up to my feet preparing myself to throw a big tantrum when I saw Trent push his way through the crowd to the front. I ran over towards him and threw my arms around him. Tears spilling over.

I wouldn't be a rejected mate, if you no eat ma gummy bears!!Where stories live. Discover now