Meeting Evelyn

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I'd gotten into the bar as quickly as my feet could carry me to get out of the rain shower. Getting inside I take a seat at the bar then sigh and take another beer in a clear glass cup. This time not chugging it I look at the alcohol so organized while sitting on the shelf. I think about my parents and look down at the counter for a moment. The bartender passes me another drink but i look at him, questioning did I order something extra?

     He walks over to the shelf while a stranger approaches me.  "I don't like being treated like royalty" I mumble, my voice in a dark tone. "A free drink isn't going to kill you" the woman says and I sigh, turning to look at her she Flipped her long straight brown hair. Those gorgeous light green hazel eyes looking right at me as her men's plaid button up shirt covered her pale skin. Turning back to look at the shelf of organised alcohol I stall for a moment then say "that's your boyfriends isn't it?...........My condolences."

    her voice saddens "yes" I turn my head to see her leave out the bar door into the gentle rains shower. Shaking my head I leave the bartender a tip and run after her. As I get outside and the door closes the woman stops, I walk a bit closer then she turns around and I look straight at her when saying "I'm not a social person.........never was one for doing so" Looking down I go on "but.......I'm not good at apologies either, so would you mind walking to my house with me?" The woman walks towards me and once we stand face to face.

     She nods, I take my windbreaker off then put it on the woman as we walk away from the bar, seeing the city of Toronto truly was a beautiful sight as we made our way to my house  at milk mans lane. Almost there we'd past a few trees when I finally knew the woman's name is Evelyn. "Such a pretty name for a beautiful woman like you." My kind words merely made Evelyn blush, she turns to me then asks "aren't you cold?" Shaking my head I laugh "cold no, soaked yes" i say in reply.

     "The rain doesn't really bother can be quite nice to be honest" as Evelyn nods she asks "and your name is?" "Ivy" Evelyn looks at me and swears she can run the rest of the way. Already sprinting ahead i say "but you don't even know where I live" running my hands through my soaked short black hair I let out a deep sigh, seeing the Vapor I shake my head and run after Evelyn. But I watched as she slipped on a loose rock and almost went tumbling back towards me when I was fast enough to catch her.

   Landing in my arms with my hand holding the back of her head up Evelyn looks at me. The heavy rain pouring down on our heads  she looks into my ocean blue eyes as I slowly lean in. Closing them I kiss Evelyn no, no,no I think to myself then pull back. Helping Evelyn to her feet I apologised then ran off before she could say another word. Getting back to my authorised built cottage I make it inside. My heart rapidly beating as I pant, calming my breath I walk into the living room. Walking over to a mirror I think what does she see in me?

      I'm merely this giant who's 5'9. Reimagining the kiss I shake my head and walk upstairs to shower. Love is such a frail thing that can shatter like class, that quickly comes and goes out of others lives but never really did for mine. My not caring for the stupid holiday itself as well as merely become sick when other couples kiss in public.

    So given all that's happened to me in my life why now? Trying to let this go I shower and take a nap. But unable to fall asleep all I could think about the kiss, I start to smile then eventually I slowly drift asleep.

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