A break away, here to stay?

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After the so called 'fun' trip to my house I packed and got ready for the lake house, the whole rest of the week spent packing our important belongings and cramming them into little leathery suitcases. Once Saturday had finally come we go out to Evelyn's mustang and throw the bags in the trunk. After I opened the door and hopped into the passenger seat when closing the door beside me Evelyn hopped in. While starting the car she looked at me and asked "you ready?" I nodded and she put the gear in drive. Just like that we were off, surprisingly it wasn't so cold of a morning.

      As freezing as the nights were before. once the sun was up and out in the sky it beamed it's light in our eyes with its rays shinning through the front windows. I look at Evelyn as if I can't keep my eyes off her, once there Evelyn parks and I get out of the car.

"Where are we?" I ask in aw looking at the incredible lake house. "The integral house off of 194 Rocksborough drive......my family came here all the time most every summer." Evelyn looks down while looking at the beautiful building. Walking to the back where the trunk is I pop it open then take the suitcases out.

"Your parents don't come here with you anymore........" I say easily figuring it out. "Yea" she says sadly and I get into the huge lake house, after getting inside I immediately. Start unpacking "you need my help" I shake my head "you go ahead and hang out in the living room."

I say to Evelyn. It took me no more than two to three hours but when finally finished I met Evelyn down in the living room. "So many rooms upstairs" "yea, I've got a pretty big family" Evelyn says with a smile. "Well I'll leave you to your own thing."

I left Evelyn in the living room and while she was unaware I went into the kitchen. Spent all day cooking so when she came into the dining room she'd see the surprise. Once she did it was late at night, the table was set and a rose was sitting in a clear, water filled vase. In the middle of the table.

Two candles were lit and Evelyn smiles "I thought you weren't one for big romantic gestures." Nodding "I can be.......as long as it's with the right person" I say smiling and as Evelyn comes to sit down I help her in her seat then go to take mine. She picks up the silver wear and tries the sea food casserole that sat so steamingly on her plate.

Evelyn couldn't stop talking about the food she was so enlightened by it. She even described every texture and taste "I love what you've done with the meal, the crumbs on top were a nice touch. Sprinkled perfectly, the cheese that just melts in my mouth really satisfies." "Okay foodie" I say jokingly and we both laugh "I'm glad you enjoy it" i say back.

"Your like some master chef, I'd be surprised if I didn't like it." Nodding my head I started eating the steaming food on my plate, after finishing I clean up the dishes I walk over into the living room say "start" the stereo turns on. Jenna Anne's song 'red' comes on, walking over to her I extend my hand "might I have this dance?" As she nods I take her to the middle of the floor and we slow dance.

"Ever since you've come into my life there's been no doubt you've made it better" Evelyn's comment made me smile and twirling her I look into her eyes and as she looks into mine. Evelyn places her hand on my waist, I dipped her and bringing her back over to me our foreheads touched.

I've never been more entranced by a person.......nor did I ever think I could let go of my past. A change in scenery did in fact have a huge impact on me. I think to myself, Evelyn kissed me and afterword asked me "you want to go swimming?" Letting out a deep breath she says "follow me" totally unprepared I follow Evelyn to the indoor pool area.

We get to that floor and I look at the huge pool, the moonlights rays reflecting off it. "I'm gonna go change" she says flirtatiously "but there should be some swim gear over there." I look where Evelyn pointed and walking over she walks away to go change. On the floor were a pile of bikinis and swimming trunks "well she wasn't joking."

I say to myself then taking a pair of white and aqua blue colored trunks and an Aqua blue bikini top I quickly change into it. After doing so I turn around and out walks Evelyn, she's wearing a purple bikini and I smiled. "And just when I thought you couldn't get anymore beautiful" I say, my voice echoing off the walls in the room.

Walking over to her she asks "really?" Nodding back I say "I wouldn't lie" we sit on the edge of the pool and stick out legs in the warm water. While staring into the moonlights reflection which showed in the ripples of the water Evelyn asks. "Have you spoken to your family?"

Shaking my head I say "I wouldn't do that, haven't visited them in so long I almost forget what they look like." I say to myself while trying hard not fiddle with my hands "I often forget what my family looks like to but enough about me. I need to know more about you" the change in subject helped bring up Evelyn's mood.

"I'm an open book" boy do I wish that were true i think to myself. "You didn't get her by car so I'm guessing you've hitch hiked." Nodding I say "you must know there can be some weird and dangerous people." I say chuckling to myself a bit "surly you can hold your own out there, you've made it all the way here." I nodded and looked at Evelyn.

"Can I tell you something." Pretending to look shy I lift my head up and look toward Evelyn, as I see her nodding I lean in and push her into the pool. "UGH YOU TRICKSTER" then she evilly grinned "no, no, your not gonna" she grabbed my legs and yanked me into the water causing a big splash.

Swimming close to Evelyn I swirl my arm toward her and it causes the water to splash Evelyn in the face. After a little splash warned swim towards each other and our foreheads touch as we hold on another in our arms. Our legs keeping us afloat Evelyn says "you know the first person to say 'I love you' first loves their gf or bf the most."

Nodding a little I say "I've heard of it but let's make our own little thing." I say and looking into those twinkling eyes in the rays of the moonlight they twinkled. As I give her a kiss, a long while after we were down stairs only this time I was in my own bedroom. With Evelyn's room not so far from mine I drift asleep but wish I hadn't.

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