Gone forever come back never?

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Those sorry puppy dog eyes were the last thing I saw of her, thinking she'd left I looked back but she was still there. As the rain got heavier she'd left but I couldn't help but feel someone was watching. Ignoring the feeling I watched as she left the party sorrowfully in a slump then I just shake my head.

     Feeling sorry I had to turn away but standing in front of me was Stevie "hey.......I saw what happened how could she?" "Stop, it's not like that" "then what did I just see?! It's fair to say she wasn't just gonna hold out till something would ever happen between you two."

"You know?" "I know her so yes." "she'd kissed me last night and I went awol. Not to her but keeping the emotions inside I went to the basement and punched the hell out of a punching bag." "Keeping those feelings all bottled up won't help you much..........you know your going to have to confront this. Even if it can be avoided now." Dropping my head I nod

"Sometimes I wonder if they'll be a next time with us if I get in that new car. I don't know what will happen." "Then your friendship will be tested......I know Karen and she could be stubborn headed at times but she'll also pull through for the ones she loves. N nobody knows how much she truly loves you more than me."

"Yea I guess your right." I say then walk with Stevie back to the party. I didn't talk to anyone and the only dance I did was the dance with my new wife (who'd made me feel better for the time being). After everything was done Evelyn and I rush to my new corvette and we're on the rode.

We drive to the nearest air port and take the first non stop plane to Hawaii. It was long but once we make it there Evelyn and I make it to our hotel the Hawaii prince hotel. Making it there easily we walk inside and get a key to our room from the front desk.

We take the elevator upstairs to the ninth floor. And after hoping out of the elevator we get into our room and start unpacking. "Ugh finally" Evelyn says and I smile "okay grandma.......someone's getting old" I say laughing.

"Hey!!" Evelyn says, grabbing a pillow she hit me over the head and I slowly look at her "your such a child" "I know you are but what am I?" Evelyn says back immaturely. Standing up I say "COME HERE" jokingly in a slightly commanding tone.

"Gaaahhh" Evelyn yells and catching her leg I flip her over and slide her toward me. Getting on top of her I'd kissed her then. Grab the nearest pillow "this is pay back" raising it a little I forcefully slam it down and it hits Evelyn. Laughing at her she sits up and I tumble off the bed, both laughing we look at each other.

The light shinning in from the crystal clear Windows I stand up. I look at my wife look at me......I've taken one relationship and made it last a life time I think to myself and getting back on the bed I place my forehead against Evelyn's and kiss her once more.

Later that night as Evelyn and i slow danced to the soft music of the stereo. Evelyn rests her head on my shoulder. "So what's your relationship with Karen" I grow silent. And for a moment reminisce about all the fun her and I have had together. (Including the kisses)

Lifting her head from my shoulder Evelyn looks at me. "What are you to?" "You know I like her back." I say in realization "yes, I may trust you but I'm not clueless!" Sighing I keep all the emotions I'm feeling right now under wraps "I don't know........we could be really great friends or we could be something else I don't really know."

"I'm sure you've known from the moment you met her..........you can feel it." Evelyn says sadly "look Evelyn........I've got a story to tell you, once there lived a wolf and a coyote. One day the wolf (with her beautiful coyote) stumbled upon a new and bigger land. They make themselves welcome but while the coyote goes to get a drink at a crystal clear lake the wolf meets a fox."

Making sure she was listening. I went on "the fox was pretty but no where near as beautiful as the coyote she's with, getting to know each other the wolf and the fox become great friends but the closer they grow together the more the coyote feels she's growing apart from the wolf." With a sad look on her face id silenced Evelyn.

"So the wolf and the fox finally get close but the fox gives the wolf a lick on the furry cheek and hesitantly the wolf backs away. But this isn't the only time this has happened, when the coyote was amongst friends the fox showed feelings to the wolf yet again but with the wolfs refusal ended in a sad departure. The fox leaves and hasn't been seen since."

Feeling sad I go on "the wolf wonders how the fox is doing as well as where she is. While with the Coyote and not only worries but hopes she'll be back at her den soon enough." Evelyn looks at me "I'm the coyote" Evelyn says crying and I nod.

"The fighting of both us and me plus her wasn't a good combination and don't say we haven't had our fair amount of fights because you know we have." "Okay we have and I do admit I have gotten jealous of you to but I should be proud that no matter how much she tempted you. You never kissed her back"

Looking down I say "yea" sadly. "I'm sorry and you have all reserved rights to be mad at me but if you'll look at me I can tell you that I love you and want to see you happy. as the Coyote I'll lay off my mate the proud...assertive wolf."
Nodding I give Evelyn a kiss on the cheek "I'm going to bed but thank you for your honesty."

So I take myself into the bedroom and fall on the bed, looking up to the ceiling I want to call Karen. But I turn to my side and fall asleep. For the next few days Evelyn and I enjoyed ourselves, two weeks flew by when I'd gotten a strange call.

Evelyn and I were on the beach "hello?" I answer "your looking for Karen?" Stevie asks "You've found her?" "Yes but she's badly beaten, she's gone to the hospital and their sending her home now if you'd like to see her" "ok." I say back and hang up the phone.

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