Wedding bells

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Fixing my bow tie I grab both my phone and some oddly left keys with a bow painted on them then rush out the door. Getting to the driveway I saw a brand new silver corvette with a big black bow on it. Walking over I saw the card, reaching inside I open it and read

   "happy wedding day, hope you love and enjoy this gift as much as I hoped you would. See you soon😉"

   Taking the bow off I open the driver car door then closing it beside me I put the keys in the ignition. When i was finally on my way to the wedding. Filled with excitement I couldn't help but think how happy I'd be once I saw that beautifully perfect smile on my fiancés face.

   Getting to mt view manor in Enumclaw, Seattle I pull in with my new car but after hopping out and locking the car doors I see how many people are there. Stevie (the bartender from Vapor) approached me and couldn't stop play flirting with me. "Ok blue tell me where's my future wife?"

   "I helped her get ready she'll be out in a few but hey heard from Karen?" What do I tell her? Karen's been blowing up my phone since the moment I hopped in the car. The last text I sent her said 'no matter how you've acted your coming to the wedding don't slip up and don't make me wrong'. It was harsh but very well needed

   Shaking my head I say "I've got a few texts from her but haven't seen her in person yet." All the sudden I hear another females voice go "IVY!!IVY!" I drop my head and sigh "there she is" "hey are you guys having issues?" I shrugged "no" "alright then go talk with her, have your moment before the ceremony" I nod.

   Then turning around walk toward Karen in her beautiful silk redial pink one strap dress. "Karen........." "Ivy please don't be mad I'm sorry for what I've done......truly." "I'm not angry.....just disappointed your the woman who's actually tried to whisk me away from my fiancé."

    "Alright and I deserve what I get from you but I just want you to know that my actions were with reason." "I just wanted to apologise and wish you luck" "you are staying are you not?" "Really?" Karen asks and I nod my head

     "Then there'd really be no wedding" I say chuckling to myself and starting to smile. And quickly the wedding started everyone took their seats. As I walk down the isle I reach my fiancé and words were said.

"Dearly beloved.......we are gathered here for Ms. Evelyn heart and Ivy Jennings." As the man dressed in black went on Evelyn and I just look at each other and smile. "Is there anyone here who'd object to these two getting married?" Then Karen stood up, slapping my own face I hoped that wasn't Karen. She sits down and we go on.

By the end the man says "you are now wife and may kiss the bride" I did so and felt like the whole world was spinning, like it revolved around only us for a spare moment. Once the kiss was over and we threw the flowers to which ever lucky lady that caught them.

I walk off deep into the field. Almost close to the mountain so to exhadurate. "Ivy, IVY!" Karen yells and i shake my head "what do you want?! I specifically told you your my friend (were my friend)."

"I don't know what came over me, I wasn't in the right sense of mind" "damn sure you weren't! Karen what's going on? Not even the girl who kissed me that night would be acting like this" Karen looks down as I say "your afraid that when I leave for the honeymoon I won't be coming back."

"Come here Karen" I call softly "I'm not gonna just up and leave you because.........your such a big part of my life, now i see you trying to figure out if I have true feelings for you but as I said before. Keep it platonic."

"You've fantasized about me" my face puzzled Karen says. "No woman can have that look on her face when telling her friend she'll be back" I sigh. As clouds of a heavy metal gray come in. I feel slight drops of rain fall on my head and patter on my forehead.

"When you stood up it HURT me to see my own best friend let jealousy get the best of her." "I know and" "sorry don't fix it.......know damn well WHY  it just isn't enough. Regardless I'm still going" "look at me Ivy" Karen comes closer and messes with my black bow tie.

Placing the palm of her hand on my cheek I sigh "sorry can't fix everything (not even the way I feel about you). But seeing as it took you longer to pull away from that kiss than expected, that I've noticed how you'd always look back at me and smile when I'd give you longing looks or how you've drempt about me."

Looking into my eyes Karen goes on "and are so inconceivably mad that you can barely speak to me without your tone raising. I'd say you don't just like me." I sigh "you've stressed me out both today and yesterday, my wife's never been more afraid to know how I feel about you."

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." Ivy kisses me yet again and immidietly I push her away "I can't with your games right now" I leave Ivy standing in the middle of the field while I go enjoy myself at the party with the Champaign and my newly wedded wife.

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