Rolling thunder

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It's about a week later, of course the weathers still as cold as ever for its early January. Hanging out on my bed staring at the ceiling with my arms behind my head I get an unexpected phone call. Taking my phone out from my pajama pants pocket I look at the caller ID.

Which said Evelyn skies and I remember I gave my number away to her once she'd asked yesterday on the walk to my cottage. So I answer "Ivy I need you to come over........I'm stuck at home and I've got a sorta phobia of storms." (Unfortunately with the cold weather comes strong storms and this ones pretty big, we even got an alert on our phones to stay home). Shaking my head I say "no you don't!" "JUST....come over" sighing say "I'll be right there" then hang up, after jumping off the bed I throw my phone on the bedside dresser and changed my clothes. After doing so I throw on the warmest coat I could find then after grabbing my phone I left for Evelyn's house.

(When walking with her last week I looked and had a feeling we'd walked by Evelyn's house, my only hopes that I'm correct). Getting there I knock on the door and Evelyn answers "come in." She says and steps aside, after I enter she closes the door behind me "Sorry for the mess..........I'm still cleaning." "Why am I here? I swear if this is some trick." Evelyn walks upstairs and I follow, then getting into her room she says "this isn't just some ploy but no..........I'm not afraid of storms, I just need to talk to you." "I disappeared for a reason" "AND WHAT IS THAT?!" Evelyn yells.

Looking down at the carpet she adds "you left me.......cold and alone, standing in the middle of milk mans lane." "I didn't give you my jacket just because it had my number in it. But I also gave it to you because it was raining and you weren't wearing any outer wear but your boyfriends shirt."

"Erm" she turns away from me and i look down "I didn't mean to take it that far......I know your boyfriends.........not walking around on earth I'm sorry." "Why'd you do it?" Evelyn asks "why'd you leave me when......." "Evelyn......I don't believe in love, in fact I hate the idea of it. That's why I don't talk much." Lifting my head I walk toward the door way and face Evelyn "that's why I ran off........ Because above everything else I've never been more afraid then when I'd felt my own heart beating so fast in my chest."

"Something happened to's alright if you don't want to share because I'd underestimated you and I apologize for that. (My mood swings must be giving you whiplash). But" Evelyn stops then tried to go on "I've wanted to kiss you since we first laid actual eyes upon each other. When it happened I was hurt, when you'd just jetted leaving me in the rain." She comes toward me and once we're close enough to touch. She says "you wouldn't be here unless you cared" breathless beyond compare I look Evelyn in the eyes "I won't be mad if you like me as well" leaning in I press my lips against hers, once again but this time a smiled into the kiss as we did so.

In that moment I had my first girlfriend and for this day I will never forget it.

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