The best is yet to come

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      Last night was our second heart to heart moment and Im glad I have Evelyn because had I not I would have left if I were to ever find this place without her. Turning to my side she was looking directly at me when she says "good morning beautiful" and I smile. "Good morning gorgeous" I sit up and hop out of bed "it's pretty
Cold outside but I brought some fun things case you'd get board.

    There's a PS4 down in the living room, I set it up before" when she finished I was gone "Ivy?" She called but found me asking her to join me in the until dawn game. "Well now I know your a gamer and a morning person how delightful" I say "why thank you." I say back in reply to her sarcasm "geek" "foodie" I say back to her and she grabs a remote.

We play for two hours straight then mess around with nerf guns. We play with water guns and play chase as if we're back to being five years old. When I catch her i laugh so hard, months pass and finally it becomes late June. The Suns in the sky shinning as Evelyn and I sit outside smiling, we spent countless hours outside. But today I'm outside and I say "I have a confession to make" Evelyn looks at me.

    "Gee I don't know where to start. Evelyn" I say "you've found me drowning my sorrows in a bar but all though I wasn't the nicest person you have me a second chance. When you saw my house you'd said 'I've seen worse' you didn't kick me out once I told you my story and above all else I know I'll always love you."

   Getting down on one knee I say "second chances" as the sun shinned in our faces I take out a box then popping it open there sat a domains ring "knowing you'll always be here for me no matter what. That you'll hear out my story and take care of as well as comfort me the night I was yelling out of my mind."

  Smiling I say "I know we'll go on to be with one another will you Evelyn Harding marry me Ivy Jennings?" She stood there covering her mouth. Evelyn's eyes filled with tears as she started to smile I heard a muffled "yes." Evelyn takes the ring and puts it on her ring finger then gives me a big hug.

  I stand to my feet lifting Evelyn up and smiling I give her a kiss, putting her down she can't stop looking at me or the diamond rock on her finger. After day turns to brisk night I find Evelyn on the roof looking out to the twilight sky.

   Coming out to the roof I walk over and sit beside her "to be honest I didn't think you'd choose me." "And why would you say that?" "Back at the bar there were countless woman that we're giving you glances and trying to get your attention." "Really?" I say shocked, Evelyn nodded "each one prettier to the next."

   "But none more beautiful than you........your the only girl I noticed because it was YOU that walked up to me and nobody else. You've put up with my sulking behaviour as well of some of my dark moods." "Because underneath I saw the you that I see now......the you that can't stop smiling and isn't hesitant of the words 'I love you' that's who I'd always seen."

    "And that's why your my fiancé, not just because of all you've done but because of what you've seen in me. You believed that I could be better and now here I am getting married to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Why don't you come on inside" so she followed me through the window of the bathroom.

  Walking out we went to my bedroom I turn to Evelyn I say "why don't we work on some wedding planes." Evelyn nodded and so we spent the whole night on invitations and dress wear, as well as what theme the wedding will be. The next morning we were packed and were headed to a big city other than home (Seattle,Washington).

   Pulling in we came to 40th ave a girly big sized house suited our needs till the wedding would take place. Unpacking after I got the suitcases again I met Evelyn in the house "'ve gotten fast at this."  Nodding I said "I've had practice......Ik just gonna get some fresh air." Walking outside he front door I saw a woman in a black hoodie looking at me.

    But she came closer and closer to me, not moving she took off the hood. "Hi I'm....... Karen" the woman says, looking up I saw her dirty blonde hair was on one side of her but I could only really see a shadow of her face. "You must be a our neighbor." Nodding her head she says "I live right down the street there not even a mile away."

  "You must be one of the new folks that have moved out here alone?" Shaking my head I say "actually my fiancé' is in there. Just thought I'd get some fresh air out here" "hey it can get might hot out here durin the summer time." She says "then why the black hoodie" "it's a long story.........welcome to the neighbor hood." "I'm Ivy" the woman smiles

   "There's a new bar called 'Vapor' think it'd be nice if you stopped by." Nodding I say "we'll see" and she's gone, getting back inside Evelyn standing by the door entrance "who was that?" She asked softly.

   "Our neighbour" I say then looking at Evelyn's hand she has the news paper. Walking by her I steal on my way by then reading it I say "warning......there's a rapist and sexual harassed on the loose." My words get slower as I read on "the close to being captured but stay indoors."

    Shaking my head I say "that's BS" "BS huh? Well what happens if" walking over to Evelyn I place the palm of my hand on her cheek. Then say "no ones going to get you, not while still breathing." Giving her a kiss on the forehead I say "I'm going to bed" then walk into my bedroom. Thinking about the woman's offer i knew I needed a drink.

     So I took my phone from the bedside dresser changed into some new clothes then sneak out the window. I go into town searching for the bar, once I found it I'd walked inside and business truly was booming, there were a lot of people but oddly it wasn't overly crowded. Making my way over to the bar the stranger from earlier sits beside me.

     "You've dressed up" nodding I say "it's casual, my navy blue button up shirt and gray jeans with my silver vest and dress shoes." Smirking I say "this is causal darlin" jokingly then ask the bar tender for a drink. "Put it on my tab" Karen says with a smile but then I noticed something.

   The bartender who brought back my drink smirked at me, looking around me I dropped my head then sighed. This is a lesbian bar, Evelyn's going to kill me........even though this was a set up I'll have to tell her what happened exactly. I think to myself. Turning around in the switch chair I see the place lit up with blue and white neon lighting.

     The music plays today's hit music. Looking up from my glass of bourbon a woman was dancing on the dance floor with not to much movement but not to little either. Her long wavy black hair whipping back and fourth, her tight but medium length pink dress showing how skinny she is.

    Sitting my straight I lean back on the bar counter. "Go get her tiger" I shake my head "I'm actually not" "going to enjoy yourself?" Karen asks. Her medium dark brown hair sitting perfectly, those chocolate eyes looking flirtatiously deviant. Towards me as she takes a sip of her martini.

Sighing Karen says "go get her tiger" "what if in not good enough" "a good looking girl like you, you've slicked your hair back and it looks damn fine if I do say so myself." Turning my head "says the pretty blonde behind the counter" starting to wink she smiles. "Just then I could just see you making it."

So I stand up look at the woman and walk over to her, all the other lesbians stop dancing to look at me as I make my way over. Starting to circle her she does the same and as I place my hand on her waist we dance. First it was slow then she sexy danced and once I did the same

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