Kamui/ Corrin

491 8 1

"Gods, no..."

They've been overworking themselves, more than needed. They wanted to get stronger, stronger to end this war more quickly, but...

"Kamui... Kamui! Open your eyes, hey, Kamui!"

You were shaken to the very core thinking the worst possible no matter how hard you tried to think positive. How could you? Witnessing them collapse during an ambush... How?


"I'm not sure I know" replied Jakob after closing the door behind him. "We should give them a few days to recover before continuing again. There's no point in advancing with my liege in this state."

'Kamui...' You stroke their hair, pulling a loose strand away from their face. 'Please wake up soon'

Their eyes fluttered open, glancing around their room before sitting up to stretch those tired limbs. They wanted to stand up, perhaps to crack their back, but there was weight over their legs.

"Hm? _____?" Kamui took a shoulder in their hand, gently shaking it to wake up their companion.

You groaned, "Kamui...?"

"Morning sleepy head" you heard them chuckle. But... It couldn't be!

"Kamui! You're awake!"

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