Crazy Mind

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Thank you so much everybody! Thank you so much! I'd like to send a shout-out to Pastwontdefineme Wolflover74 JustSingForFun14 and katdrake2 for fanning and/or commenting! I wish I could mention the 25 or so other people that had fanned and/commented. I'd also like to thank everybody who is reading this book, and everybody who had voted, well, here's chapter two! Enjoy! Also, I'd like to say that ever since I've read and seen your comments a smile hadn't been able to come off my face. Thanks so much everybody! This will be in Jason’s POV, too. Time to see what's going on in his crazy brain!

Chapter Two

Crazy Mind

Jason's POV

I slam my hand down on the annoying beeping alarm clock, possibly crushing it to its death. The stupid alarm clocks are always waking everybody up in the morning for school, or work. Alarm clocks deserve everything that comes across them, even being squished to death, but hey, the beeping stopped!

I checked my phone for new messages after putting on a random shirt and matching basketball pants. The time shocked me- I was early! For once in my whole entire life- early! Somebody should give me an award.

I walked into the large old-fashioned kitchen and grabbed me a bowl and some Frosty Flakes. I didn't pour any milk in my bowl, I never did, and I munched on the sugary yummy breakfast.

Soon after I arrived to the kitchen my innocent and kind sister walked into the room. Although I admired my sisters kindness that didn't mean I liked her, and it didn't mean I ever would. "Good breakfast?" Lilly asked quietly and politely. I grunted in response.

Lilly walked around the kitchen and grabbed the stuff for her breakfast; homemade fruit parfait, when I finished my breakfast and walked out the door and into the garage.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time- yes! It’s still early.

With a very strange smile on my face I hopped into my pure black convertible mustang which girls seem to adore. I pull out of my house, blaring Eminem songs.

I arrive to school, already catching smell of the wonderful vanilla and rose sent that I always smell at the school, and sometimes in the woods. I hop out of the car and smile at Elaine, the co cheerleader, who tapped Kayla hesitantly on the shoulder.

Kayla instantly turns around and squeals loudly. "Jason!" she called out as she walked over to me. When the head cheerleader reached me she attached herself onto my shoulder.

“Hey” I greet her, attempting to be nice. I wrap my arm around her waist as she leads the way over to our friends.

“’Sub bro?” my buddy Ashton greeted me, slapping my hand in what girls call a ‘bro shake’ or something along those lines.

“Nothing” I answered Ashton, keeping my free hand around Kayla who was talking her friends’ ears off. I honestly felt bad for all of Kayla’s friends. “You excited for the game?” I carried on Astons’ and my conversation.

“Hell yeah” Ashton grinned at me. We all couldn’t wait for the football game against the second easiest team to beat. I grinned back at Ashton and an odd silence fell upon us just in time to hear a stupid human boy to come up with an ‘insult’ at the fat girl- what was her name again?

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