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Stiles P.O.V.

"Be safe kid" dad says hugging me at the door.

"Will do love ya pops".

"You too".

"By guys" I say to the pack as I get in to my jeep waving as I pull out early morning.

Pulling into a heavy wooded area I get out of my jeep now seven pm I throw my bag over my shoulder then walk through a barrier to see a man.

"Stiles right? I'm Chiron I have been waiting" a man in a wheel chair says with a smile.

"Hi yeah that's me" I smile back.

"Grover will help you around" he says rolling though the gates me following.

"Grover this is stiles put him in Hermes until further notice" Chiron says.

"Sure thing" Grover replys then turning to me moving from behind the people I see he has goat legs.

"Cool legs" I say

"Thanks they don't freak you it most newbies run at first sight" he asks walking to what I assume is the Hermes cabin.

"Let's just say I'm no stranger to the supernatural slash mythical creatures" I say.

"Really care to share?".

"Maybe another time" I avoid the question.

"Okay so all of the unclaimed campers sty here till they are claimed or they have been claimed by Hermes" I nod in reply little does he know that Hermes is my great grandfather so I could be claimed by him or Athena.

"Alright well here we are Hermes cabin two beds a room so they only hold two people you will be sharing with Percy till you claimed by your parent then you will be put into your parents cabin camp shirts there should be enough on your side for a month only the you need to wash them oh and the cabins are charmed to acomadate all the campers" he says as the door opens I nod.

"Ah Grovs how's it goin" an attractive teen boy says wait did I just never mind.

"Oh Percy this is your new roomie Stiles" Grover points to me and I wave.

"No offense but what even is a stiles?" I laugh.

"You know that's not the first time I've been asked that its a nickname I haven't gone by my real name since my mom died" I say looking away.

"Ah sorry I asked".

"Nah its fine" I say dropping my bag and fall on the closest bed face down.

"Well I gotta go guys play nice" Grover says dissapearing through the door.

"Stiles that's my bedddd" percy whines like a five year old.

"I don't wanna get up" I whine back as percy laughs at me.

"You know I think we are going to be great friends" percy says ploping on my back I gasp heaving.

"God you weigh a tun".

"I do not" percy gasps slapping my shoulder blade making me laugh.

"You know hitting is not nice" I turn and slap his leg sitting up pulling percy with me laying him between my legs.

"Says the one who just slapped me" he scoffs rubbing his upper thigh where I hit him.

"Ever heard of do as I say not as I do?".

"Ever heard lead by example?" He throws back with a smug look as if he won I smirk.

"Then your not doing a very good job at that huh you hit me first".

"Tuchè" he frowns pulling my arms around him I find weird but don't complain.

"Well aren't you two amusing" a teen in all black chuckels.

"What's up Neeks" percy asks pulling my arms tighter around him as the guy gives percy a look of understandment as I tighten my arms myself this time resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Chiron sent me for you both to go to the Athena cabin to meet annabeth a second year to give you both a tour".

"Okay Nico we'll be out in a few" percy says shooing who I guess is Nick as he snuggles in my arms.

"Your a little snuggle bug aren't you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow getting a nod from him with his head buried in my chest.

"Your the only one I met that's let me cuddle them".

"Well every one needs a good cuddle I don't mind".


"Let's go the last thing we need is an angry daughter of Athena" holy crap I just realized that and children of Athena or Hermes would be my aunts or uncles.

"No your warm" he whines burrowing deeper into me I sigh picking him up off me and set him back on the bed on his feet then turn crouching in front of him he understands and leaps onto my back I walk out of our room and cabin.

"Where's the Athena cabin?".

"Its cabin number six" he says pointing ahead I nod making my way there.

"Ah there you two are" a blond girl says.

"Annabeth?" Percy and I ask in unison  she nods.

We finish the tour after three hours and percy did not walk once my arms starting to hurt Annabeth gets my attention again.

"Dinner time boys now when you get what your eating get two and gift the gods with the second in the fire when you are finished eating" percy and I nod walking behind Annabeth.

"Bug I gotta put you down now so we can get our food" I say to percy.

"Noooooo carry meee and bug really?".

"Percy no whining and yes because your my cuddle bug" I say reaching back spanking him hard enuogh to get the point across he whimpers lightly with his head in my neck noding as I put him down this is import that he knows how far he can push without going over the line I am the dominant in this friendship that has started.

"There's no blue food" he pouts as we sit with our food.

"Why would you want blue food?" I ask looking at him like he got on a one way train to loony town.

"I like the color blue my mom makes the best blue cookies".

"Alrighty then" I laugh stuffing my face with food like many of the others.

"Guys Chiron wants you to meet him at Hephaestus cabin tomorrow after breakfast" Grover says sitting down beside me suddenly there's a butt in my lap I look from grover to see percy sitting in my lap I roll my eyes looking back to Grover.

"Alright we'll be there".

"Good don't be late" he says getting up without a word from percy I look at him.

"Comfy bug?" I ask sarcastically only getting a nod in response I eat the rest of my burger wrapping my arms around Percy's waist resting my forehead between his shoulderblades.

Five minutes later percy finishes he eats like a bird.

"Come on let's get ready to he'd back to our room stop by the fire first" I say tapping his leg to say hop up he sighs but nods.

We get back to the cabin and I change into my red plad PJ pants pulling my shirt of I feel eyes on me or more so my faint but still there six pack I look up to see percy looking at me I smirk.

"Take a picture it would last longer".

"Oh hush" he blushes changing himself I take the blankets from my bed and put it on top of the ones on his bed the hop under the moving to the edge leaving the wall spot for him. He climbs in laying his head on my chest.

"Twenty questions?" He asks.

"If it doesn't take long we need our rest we have no clue what we have in store for us" I say with a yawn he nods and that's how we spend our time till we both fall asleep with him wrapped in my arms.

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