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Stiles P.O.V.

"Wanna spar after breakfast?" Leo asks percy sitting down across from us percy he looks at me asking for permission he's learned to litsten to what I say the last two times he did something I told him not to he got hurt and punished with the silent treatment and no physical contact I weigh the options he could get hurt but its good practice uhmm ehh.

"Sure but be careful you get two hours" I get up to put my food in the fire walking out to see annabeth charge twords me.

"Your on my team for capture the first game of capture the flag I already talked to Chiron he said it was fine" she rushes with out taking a breath I slowly nod.

"When does it start?".

"About four".

"Alright" I nod walking to my cabin throwing myself to my bed with aching muscles from training.

"Are you really that lazy" Grover asks walking in like he owns the place.

"Yes, yes I am my good friend".

"So what's going on with you and percy this past month?" He raises a brow ploping beside me making my muscles scream in pain I grimace.

"To be honest groves I don't know I feel protective over him and slightly possessive like we have pecked a few time but nothing more nothing less" I sigh.

"You likeeee him you really really like him" he teases.

"Oh shut your cake hole" I say throwing a pillow at him.

"Calm down he's extreamly possessive over you last week he wouldn't let me alone to talk to you because he thought I was trying to use you" he giggled.

"Don't be dramatic" I roll my eyes and it gets silent.

Soon enough percy comes strolling ing jumping still pumped from sparing with leo I look him over making sure he has no cuts or bruises seeing there are none I meet his eyes only to see he's glaring at Grover.

"You okay bug?" He looks at me and nods then climbs onto my back making me groan.

"Are you okay D-stiles?" He asks worried thinking I didn't catch his slip I just let it slide.

"I'm fine perc" he sends me a look saying your full of crap.

"I hear beth had talked to Chiron about putting cabin Hermes with cabin Athena for the first capture the flag of the summer" Grover says gaining Percy's attention again glairing he shifts on my back making me groan in pain.

"Stiles what the hell is wrong" I look over my shoulder to see percy looking at me with a stern look I reach back fast spanking his hard hearing him yelp.

"What did I say about cursing?" I ask with a glare.

"Its a ugly habbit that's hard to break so don't start it when I don't need to" he says with a pout.

"And?.." I ask pushing him in the corner of my eye I see an amused grover.

"The next time I do it I get no cwudlez and bopbops or quiet time as you see fit" he says using the baby voice he knows gets him out of a lot of truble with me I feel the bed shift and jump forgetting Grover was here looking to him I see him with a raised eyebrow.

"Now what do you think you should get?" I ask he thinks about it the shrugs.

"Alright quiet time it is" I say living him setting him on the bed beside Grover getting my phone and setting the timer for ten minutes not like anything else works on it.

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