first quest

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Stiles P.O.V.

"Up you two your quest starts today you'll be taking stiles jeep the ship would be to big for only the three of you" Grover says waking me I feel Percy's weight on my chest I sign and nod at grover watching him walk out. Its been three weeks since the first capture the flag my hands are now a rough texture from being torn so many times I'm more buff a start of a six pack no longer scrawny like I used to be percy hasn't changed much he just carrys his muscle differently we have won three out of four capture the flag because a Athena cabin boy thought he was too good for the plan and messed everything up but with that being said by time we get back from our quest summer will be over and I'll need to go back home.

"Come on wake up baby" I shake percy.

"Noooooo please it too early" he whines I squeeze his butt he jumps slightly.

"Get up you can go back to sleep when we get to my jeep" I peck his lips only for him to straddle me coming back in for a heated kiss after a minute I pull back.

"Come on we gotta go if you have to be told again you'll get bopbops" I say using his word for a spanking that gets him up in dressed within five minutes I smile rolling out and getting ready.

Pulling out of the woods and into a motel and carry a still sleeping Percy.

"Perc" I shake him after layi g him back down.

"Daddddyyy" he whines.

"No get up its four and we have to be finished with this by the end of the week all we have to go on are marks on a map" I say sternly as Leo comes in.

"We drove for hours I'm naping my room is next door I'm out" he drags himself out he wasn't even driving I was I mentally roll my eyes.

"More seep pwease I weally don fewl gowd daddy" he says in a baby voice.

"Fine fine we can start tomorrow" I grumble getting in bed with him.

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