Copy Cat

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Dipper always loved Bill. He thought that Bill was the best thing in the world. So he wanted to become just like him. Once Bill woke up he did everything he had to. He threw his blanket on the bed and Dipper did the same. He scratched his stomach and Dipper did the same.

Everything Bill did Dipper did it also. Even the way he ate, walked, and talked. Bill didn't really notice. But everyone else did. Mabel took pictures of it and the Stans just thought it was weird. Dipper even went as far as dressing as Bill. He got the sane clothes Bill had, but in a child's size. So they both wore black jeans, a gold shirt, and red sneakers.

When Bill finally noticed he chuckled, "So Pine Tree are you trying to be a mini-me?" Dipper nodded, "Your so cool big bwother! I just wanted to be just like you!" Bill blushed, no one had ever said anything like that to him. "Well thanks Pine Tree, but I like you just the way you are. You are cool too." Bill said. "Really!?" Dipper asked. Bill chuckled, "Really." Dipper then ran to their shared room and put on his normal clothes.

"Up, up" Dipper said, raising his arms up. Bill picked him up. "Yay!" Dipper yelled. Mabel snapped a picture. Stan and Ford chuckled. It was very happy, but that was because they didn't know what would happen next.

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