Chapter Two

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I only had a sense of it. The idea that I was somewhere vast, and unknown.


Like a floating brain in a jar. I saw nothing, I felt no limbs or body, but I was aware. I was alive (maybe?).

This sensation was odd, but I felt no panic. I couldn't remember what it was like to feel. I couldn't even remember what it felt like to be a person.

Who are you?

Who am I? Slowly I began to reform my sense of self. Violet. I have a brother, named Oli.

Where are you?

How did I get here? Can I even call this nothingness a place?


I was on my way to work. It was raining. I couldn't see. There was a car..

The car hit me!

Maybe I am dead...


Where is that noise coming from? I can now vaguely feel my body. I smell lemons, but not real lemons. Chemical. The beeping continues, very softly in the background.

I hear muffled voices. I can't make out what they are saying. I hear one of them, and I know who it is without needing to hear his words. It was Oli, and he was upset. The beeping gets faster, louder, more urgent. There is shuffling. The voices get louder. A little boy cries.

Things go black again.

I open my eyes. It's so bright that I immediately have to shut them. I feel a pounding in my head as I sit up. It felt like someone was using my brain as a battle drum.

I realize as the initial fogginess of the first few seconds after waking fades, that I don't know where I am, or how I got here. I keep my eyes closed a moment longer, hoping that the light wouldn't be as bright the second time I opened them.

I was hit by a car. I am in a hospital.

At least I am ok! I must be, I woke up after all. And despite this gruesome headache, I am sitting up.

Then I opened my eyes.

I was absolutely not in a hospital.

I was in a room. A medium sized, bright white room.  I looked around, and noticed that there we're no windows, no doors. The light seemed to be seeping through the walls, like an odd glow. My head was pounding so hard that I could almost hear it. My breathing became labored as my anxiety kicked in with full strength.

How did I get here? More importantly how am I going to get out? Then I realized that I should probably get up and search the walls. Maybe there is a way out, and I just can't see it. I wasn't going to figure this out by sitting here and freaking out. I stood up and began to wildly run my fingers across the wall searching for something, anything.


"There is no exit."

This new voice made me jump so high that I'm suprised I didn't hit the ceiling. Where was it coming from? There was no one else in the room, and no intercom system that I could see.

"You will now be called 9003."

I realized that I wasn't really hearing it in the traditional sense. I was hearing the voice in my head!

Oh great, now I'm hearing voices.

But he still sounded so real. What did he mean I will be called 9003? I'm not a number, I'm Violet.

"Where am I?!" I asked the voice, but there was no answer. Nothing but silence.

I continued to feel along the wall and search for an exit, but after what felt like hours I gave up. The room was completely seamless. I couldn't find a single imperfection. Sliding down the wall to sit, with my knees pulled to my chest, I almost began to cry.

Then, all of a sudden I felt a strange electricity in the air. It was so strong I could almost taste it. Like copper, or battery acid. I looked up, and in front of me the air was shimmering.

A person was materializing right in front of my eyes. It was almost like my vision was out of focus, but slowly correcting itself.

Finally the person was fully materialized in front of me. It was a boy, about my age maybe a bit younger. He had black hair, and brown expressionless eyes. His dead stare made me shiver. Despite his creepiness, I had hope that he could help me get out of here.

"9003, stand up and come with me." he said in A monotone voice, and gestured for me to follow him as he turned around. I didn't know where in the world he was going to go in this  room with no exit, but I didn't have many other choices than to humor him.

I got up and walked towards him slowly. He waived his hand over the wall, and a door materialized in a way that was similar to how he had appeared. I was still scared and confused, but I was at the very least happy that I got to leave this room.

He opened the door and stepped through. I followed him out, my jaw dropping as I saw what surrounded me.

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