Chapter 10

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When I walked into the dreaming room I was full of mixed emotions. Micah hadn't said much when we arrived. He had squeezed my hand and told me that he would be waiting for me when I got done.

The look on his face had been one of a kind. Some odd combination of longing, disappointment, and worry. I knew that he had almost kissed me, and as much as my mind told me that it was not the right time to be falling for someone, my heart wanted it to happen.

In the room he had just showed me I had almost forgotten about this one.

This horrible room full of fear, and sadness.

I stood at the entrance waiting for someone to take me to my bed. I wasn't sure if it would always be the same one, and even if it was I didn't think that I would be able to find it again on my own.

The same nameless  boy that always seemed to be guiding me around showed up next to me in a matter of seconds, startling me again.

"I wish you would quit doing that!" I scolded him. My nerves were bad enough. I didn't need him popping up out of nowhere all of the time!

"I apologize." he replied.

I gave him a look that must have been almost comical. I was surprised to hear him say something human.

"I-it's ok. Just, uh, try not to do that anymore I guess." I stammered.

He nodded briefly, "Follow me."

I began to follow him, and his small show of humanity sparked my interest. Maybe I could get something out of him.

"So, I know you told me last time that you don't have a name..but you used to, right? Do you remember it?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.

His head turned to me for a second, and he gave me a quick "No." before he kept walking.

He answered my question! At least, partly answered it. It was an improvement to the silent treatment was getting before.

"I still remember mine. It's Violet." I informed him.

"Forget it." He replied curtly.

I didn't want to push him any further. Maybe tomorrow.. There was still someone under that dead stare and cold demeanor. I knew there was.

As we approached my bed I tried to remain calm and collected, but it was hard to do. My heart started to race. I could already feel the adrenaline pumping through my body, urging me to run. I took a deep breath, and laid down. I closed my eyes, and felt the needle enter my vein. The liquid ran up my arm like fire. Then, for a moment, there was nothing.

I'm standing in a field. A field full of grass and flowers. It's beautiful. I feel a cool refreshing breeze run over my skin, and through my hair. I close my eyes and savor the moment.

The cool breeze began to feel warmer. Suddenly it was unpleasantly warm. Then burning. I opened my eyes, startled at the sudden change in temperature. The field was on fire. I looked out among the fire, and saw my parents. Screaming in pain as they burned. My mother called for my help. I noticed that I was in a ring, surrounded by the fire. I screamed at them, telling them to come to me and get out of it. They couldn't hear me over the roaring of the fire, and the noise of their own screaming.

I decided that I was going to run through the fire to get them. I had a chance to save them! I needed to take it.

I began to run at full speed. The second that I stepped into the flames I felt them. My clothes we're burning. The flames were engulfing me. The pain started, and only grew as I ran further in. I felt the fire like a million needles.

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