Chapter Three

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My head spun furiously at the sight of my surroundings. He walked the out of the door and onto a pathway that was only barely visible. It looked like glass. I could see it due to the small glimmers of light reflecting off of it.

This pathway seemed to be suspended thousands of feet in the air. There was no ground to speak of. Only clouds and a blueish purple sky.

Considering my extreme fear of hieghts, it was not completely unreasonable to think that I might faint and fall to my death. Then again I might already be dead. I have no idea what this place could be. Everything felt so real, but was so unrealistic.

I didn't have the concentration to think about this right now though. I was to busy focusing on not falling off of the path.

The mysterious boy had been walking ahead of me this whole time, but stopped and turned to face me as he realized that I was no longer following him.

"Come this way." he said sternly.

"But what if I fall!?" I asked in a panicky voice. How could he be so calm about this?!

"You can not fall." he replied with a blank face. He picked up on my look of pure confusion. He then stuck his hand out to his side to touch the edge of the pathway, and leaned against thin air!

"There is a forcefield. You will not fall. Now hurry and follow me." He turned around and continued to walk without even glancing back to see if I was following him.

Apprehensively I stuck my hand out toward the edge of the path. My hand was stopped immediately. I saw nothing, but I could clearly feel what seemed to be a smooth surface blocking me from moving any further. I crouched down as I ran my fingers along the forcefeild to make sure it went all of the way down. It did.

I sighed in relief. The feeling of being up so high, and the appearance of walking on air was still enough to make me nausiatingly dizzy, but I was reassured enough to finally move forward and follow the mysterious boy.

As I caught up to him, I noticed that not that far ahead of us there was a white wall with a black door. When we came up to the door he opened it, and what was inside seemed so normal compared to everything I had seen so far that I was almost more surprised than I would have been if it had been something ridiculous.

Behind the door a long hallway stretched on for what seemed like forever. The floor was gray, the walls were gray, and the doors lining the walls on either side of the hallway were a slightly darker shade of gray.

"Where are we?" I finally asked. Unfotunately I received only silence as an answer.

"Ok, can you at least tell me where you are taking me?" I said, a bit more exasperated at this point.

"I am taking you to your room. It is where you will stay from now on. Your room number is the same as your number. 9003. You will find your new clothes, and any necessities you might need in your room. You will leave your room, and return to it at a set time everyday. Your curfew will be explained to you once you find out what your job is." he explained, voice like a robot's.

Ok wait. What job ? Do people have jobs in heaven. Is that even where I am. I could only assume that I was dead, because what other explanation is there? The last thing I remembered were the noises in the hospital. Maybe I had died right there in my bed. So all of the stories of the afterlife got it wrong. Maybe I will have to work a job for the rest of eternity.

Is this purgatory?

Is this hell?

What about Oli? What will happen to him?

My head spun with questions, but I doubted that the seemingly soulless being guiding me around would be able to answer any of them.

Eventually we came to a door with 9003 printed in small black numbers on the wall beside it.

"This is your room. Please go inside and wait for further instruction." he commanded as he opened the door and waited for me to walk inside. I stepped in, and as soon as I did he slammed the door behind me and left.

I looked around, and what I saw was nothing special. It was a normal bedroom. Everything looked very modern with no color or personality whatsoever. It was all shades of black, grey, and white. There was nothing but the basics. Only a bed, night stand with a lamp, Dresser, and two doors that lead to a small closet and a bathroom.

Being alone brought back my anxiety. I was panicking on a whole new level. Every question came rushing back. I didn't want to be dead. I wasn't ready to be dead. I got so worked up that I felt sick. Really sick.

I ran to the bathroom and threw uo violently. At least I had made it to the toilet. I closed my eyes as I tried to pull myself together, but it didn't work. When I was done puking I sat down on the bathroom floor, and started to cry.

All of a sudden there was someone knocking on the front door. I jumped at the sudden noise.

I pushed myself up, flushed the toilet, and rinsed out my moth as quickly as I could, then made my way to the door.

When I pulled it open there was a boy standing there with a curious look on his face. He was beautiful. I don't mean like everyday normal attractive guy beautiful, I mean beautiful.

He had light brown hair that was mostly straight with a slight wave towards the ends. It sat only a few inches above his shoulders. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen. His face wasn't that masculine square jaw you always see in male models. He was more uniquely beautiful than that. He was definitely one of a kind.

I was suddenly very concious of how I must look. I was probably flushed from puking, and considering how pale I am, when I get red it really shows. I still had tears on my face, I hadn't bothered to wipe them off before answering the door. And I'm sure that my eyes were red, and making my eyes an even creepier, more vibrant shade of blue.

Why do I even care? I have bigger concerns.

"Hi, I'm Micah."

"Violet. Can you tell me where we are? I tried to ask the boy that lead me here, but he wouldn't say anything." someone had to know, or at least have a clue.

He gave me a half smile, and took a step forward. "Let me come in and I'll tell you what I know."

I wasn't sure about letting him in. He was a stranger after all. At the same time he might have answers that I needed. I decided to risk it. I stepped aside and gestured for him to come in.

The only place in the room that you could sit was the bed. He walked over to it casually and sat down. He patted the spot next to him. I looked at him Apprehensively.

"Trust me, you need to be seated while I explain this. It can be overwhelming for some."

I nodded and sat as far away from him as possible. He may be beautiful, but that didn't change the fact that he was a stranger.

He looked into my eyes silently for a moment, looking concerned. "Are you alright?" he asked sounding genuinely interested in my well-being. I nodded. I wasn't, but I am used to telling people I'm ok when I'm not. Its just habit now.

He reached out his hand and brushed the hair out of my face. I was startled, but it was also comforting so I let it happen.

"I'm going to need you to take a deep breath..."

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