Chapter Eight

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I woke up feeling confused, sore, and mildly disappointed. In the back of my mind I had a small hope that maybe this was all just a dream, and I would wake up in my bed with Oli jumping on me, begging for blueberry pancakes.

That didn't happen.

I was in the same plain room, in the the same strange place. I looked down and realized that I still had my black work pants on, and my collared red shirt. Did I really go the whole day yesterday in my work clothes? I suppose what I was wearing had been the least of my worries.

I sat up, and swung my feet off of the bed and onto the ground. The carpet was soft, and surprisingly cushiony. I stood up and walked over to the dresser. When I opened the drawers I was shocked to see all of my clothes from home inside. I'm not sure what I had been expecting. Maybe a uniform or something. Then again I don't recall anyone else wearing matching clothes, other than the Droids (which is the name I had decided to give them) who were monitoring the dream rooms.

Micah had been in regular clothes, hadn't he? My memory of the day before was so fuzzy that it frustrated me. I was to stressed to register every detail of what was going on though.

I grabbed a pair of jeans and my favorite mint green t-shirt. It was a small comfort to be able to wear my own clothing, but how did they get here?

I walked towards the bathroom, ready to take a shower and think a few things over. I turned the water as hot as my skin would allow.

It was time to organize the information that I had so far. I know that I was hit by a car. That's how this all started. That was real, I'm sure of it. At least I have one thing down for sure. I woke up here. I met Micah. I went to that horrible room. I shuddered as I thought about having to return today, but I quickly refocused. I don't have the time to stress about things I can't change.

We came back to my room. I went to sleep. I suppose Micah had left shortly after. Then.. I had a dream! Something told me that that was a significant event. Micah had sounded so sure about the fact that I wouldn't dream while sleeping in my room, that no one did. But I did.

What was the dream about?

I couldn't completely remember. It was right there, like the lyrics of an old song on the tip of my tongue. I don't remember seeing anything. I heard something . A woman had said something, what had she said? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the water ran down my back.


I remember that word! That's it though...I don't remember anything else. It hardly seemed significant anymore. I decided that I was still going to tell Micah about it though, just in case.

I turned off the shower, stepped out, and dried off. I got dressed, and searched the bathroom for a brush. I finally found one in the cabinet underneath the white marbled sink.

Doing my best to work the brush through my long white blonde hair, I looked into the mirror. My skin was still pink from the heat of the shower. I looked into my own eyes, and promised myself that I would be more focused today, pay more attention to detail. I will deal with the nightmares when they come, but I have to figure this out. I can't waste time, because I'm not sure how long I will last.

Giving myself a quick nod, I walked back into the main room and put on my shoes. As soon as I tied my shoes there was a knock at the door.

I jumped off of the bed and quickly sprinted to the door. Wait..why am I sprinting? I know why, it's because I'm assuming Micah is at the door. Ugggh I need to pull myself together. He might not even be real!

Slowing down, and taking a breath, I open the door.

" Good morning." Micah greeted me with a smile that was just unfair to every other smile I had ever seen. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good morning." I mimicked dumbly. I really needed to work on my conversational skills.

I then realized that He was giving me a puzzled look, probably waiting for me to let him in the room. I moved aside and gestured for him to come in. He laughed quietly, and walked over to sit on the bed. I stood standing in front of him. I was to nervous to sit next to him. I could yesterday, but I had been to emotionally confused and distraught to really be nervous.

"Sooo.." I started while wringing my hands together, " you're here early. Or is it early at all? Are there any clocks in this place anyways?".

Yeah I was rambling, but in my defence it was a legitimate question.

"Not really." he replied, obviously amused by my behavior. " You just kind of..wake up at the same time everyday it seems like. The reason I am here is because I've got something that I want to show you. Something that I think might cheer you up."

I looked at him curiously. He didn't have anything with him, so what did he want to show me? He picked up on my confusion.

"I don't have it. Its down the hallway. Come with me and I'll show you."

He had me thoroughly intrigued at this point. "Ok..let's go then."

He nodded and stood up, moving towards the door. He looked back at me before leaving the room entirely, "Come on!"

I quickly followed behind him, shutting the door. I stared at him as he walked, waiting for an explanation.

"What!?" he finally asked, looking back at me.

"Well, where are we going?" I asked, exasperated.

"Its hard to explain. It will be easier for you to just see for yourself."

I crossed my arms like an angry toddler. I have a bad habit of doing that..

"Well how do I know you are taking me somewhere good? I still don't know you that well, you know? You could be planning something.." I countered.

He stopped walking, and looked at me a look of amused disbelief on his face. I stopped next to him.

"Planning what Violet?" He asked.

I looked at my feet, realizing how ridiculous it felt to accuse him of having some sort of malicious intent. I was right when I said I hardly knew him, but at the same time I could just feel that he would never hurt me.

"I don't know, nothing I guess."

He reached towards my face, and lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eye. He was smiling softly.

"Trust me?" He asked. I nodded.
"Ok, then let's go. Its right around the corner."

We approached a metal door that looked very much like all of the others, but it had no label. No number was to the side of it on the wall. No indication whatsoever about what sort of a room it was.

"This is it." Micah said, pointing at the door. "Put your hand on it with me so we can open it."

He then lifted his hand to the door, and looked at me. Hesitantly, I lifted mine also and put it on the door. The door glowed with blue light, then opened. When it opened, Micah put his hand on my lower back and guided me inside. The room was pitch black. You couldn't see anything. I turned around to tell Micah that I wanted out. I was scared of the dark.

He saw my face and said, "It's ok."

Then the door closed behind him.

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