Chapter Four

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"I can't tell you where we are exactly, but I can tell you what happens here and maybe answer some other questions you might have." he explained in a soft voice.

I nodded, and waited for him to tell me more.

" As far as I can tell, we are in some sort of..dream factory I guess is what you would call it. Sounds silly, but I don't have any better words to describe it." He said, almost hesistantly. You could tell that he knew that he sounded ridiculous.

"Ok, so what does that mean? What do they do with us? How many people are here?" I knew that I was going to end up asking way to many questions, but in a situation like this you need all the information you can get.

"They hook you up to this machine..and you dream. Only it feels much more real than a normal dream would. The machine seems to collect whatever dreams you have. I have no clue what they do with our dreams, but I am trying to figure that part out. There are too many of us here for me to even give you an estimate on how many. The number seems almost endless."

We sat quiet for a moment as I took it all in.

"It doesn't sound too awful I guess. How bad can dreaming be?", but I realized just how bad when I suddenly remembered my almost constant flow of nightmares.

"Well that depends. There are three groups. The first group, which is the one I'm in, is made up of good dreams. You know, the fun, feel good, fantastical stuff. That isn't so bad at all. The second group dreams about normal everyday stuff. Like those dreams you have where you think your awake, and then suddenly you wake up and realize you were dreaming. The only downfall for this group is that they tend to start to become really confused about what is real and what is not. They don't always know which world they are in. Then there is the third group..."

I knew what it was before he said it, and I had a bad feeling that it was going to end up being my group.

"They deal in Nightmares. They usually don't make it very long before.." he trailed off, like he wanted to maybe spare me from that information.

"Before what?" I quietly urged him to continue.

" Before they end up like the boy that lead you here. They lose their spirit. They lose their sense of self, and then they are just... shells. Obedient bodies for whoever is in charge to order around."

I shivered at the thought.

"Who exactly is in charge?" I hadn't even thought to ask that question. Then again I had a feeling that if Micah had known, he would have said already. I was right.

"I don't know. You can just tell that these servants don't act on their own. Something is controlling them."

"I see. So.." I had been avoiding this question but now would be the time to ask. "..are we dead?"

He sat silent, looking at me with a sad, almost frustrated look. Like he was frustrated at the answer he had to give me.

"I don't think so. I can't tell you for sure. What I do know is that Some people came here wondering the same, and not knowing drove them crazy. So they did the one thing that they felt could give them an answer. They tried to kill themselves."

I gasped involuntarily, and covered my mouth. I wanted to know whether or not I was dead, but I never considered that an option. Then again I had just gotten here. Maybe after a few months of wondering..

"The only thing is, I have never seen a body. These people that killed themselves.. Some of them were in the rooms next to me, but I have never seen anyone clean up a mess or bring out their body. They just sort of disappeared."

Feeling overwhelmed, I let my head slide into my hands wresting my elbows on my knees. This all sounded so insane, but what choice did I have other than believe it?

As much as Micah's presence was makinging me slightly uncomfortable and nervous, I was also very greatful that I wasn't alone. He gave me a quick, friendly pat on the back.

"Look, I know that this is hard. I remember when I first got here, but it's not all bad. And I am still looking into things. I hope to eventually have a better understanding of this place. Maybe there is a way out. A way home. You have to keep some hope, you know? And until I find something that tells me it's impossible to get back home, I'm going to try."

I lifted my head to look at him, and gave him a weak smile. "You're right. I'll help you if I can."

He smiled back, and nodded. Then, as if he was remembering something important, his face went serious.

"They should be telling you soon what dreaming group you are in. I'll stay here until they do, and we can go down to the dreaming rooms together. I'll show you the way to yours. Hopefully we are in the same group."

I hoped the same, but I couldn't help thinking that things wouldn't go that smoothly.

"9003" there was that voice again. The voice I had heard in the small white room. I seemed to be hearing it in my head again, but I could tell that Micah heard it as well because he stiffened at the sound of the voice.

"Your assignment has been decided. You will be joining Group Three. Please report to the appropriate room immediately."

I had known, somehow, that this would happen. That didn't lessen the panic I felt rising in my throat. Micah looked at me with a sad, and shocked look on his face.

"I'm so sorry." was all he could say.


Ah! If you have read this far you are litterally my hero. This is my first story, and I am aware that it has its issues, but to have anyone reading it at all means the world to me. I would really LOVE it if you could drop a quick comment. Tell me what you thought. What did you like, what could be improved. I am open to criticism as long as it's constructive! Anything you have to say counts to me so don't feel shy. I hope that you will continue to read !!!

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