Farkle Meets Bay Window

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Neither Riley nor Maya were there, so Farkle pushed open the window and sat down in the Bay Window and waited. He dearly hoped it would be both of them who would find him here, not just Riley, if it was just Riley then he wasn't sure what he'd do. He had no idea how to behave around her anymore. But he was certain that if Maya was there as well he would be alright, because it would be the three of them, just as it had been since the first grade.

His (non-existent) prays were answered, when both Maya and Riley came walking through the door.

"Farkle?" They both said at the same time, before exchanging looks.

"Hey," Farkle smiled, before looking down at the ground, scared that if he looked at Riley too long his heart would explode from beating too fast.

They came over and sat on either side of him. Riley was looking at him in that very Riley way, her head slightly tilted, a small smile on her face. His heart melted at the sight of it. He smiled back, trying to be as least awkward as he possibly could.

Riley's heart was melting too.

"So," Maya said, breaking the silence, "Farkle, what brings you here?"

Farkle tore his eyes away from Riley's, "I needed to talk and you two are the best talkers I know, and this is the best place to talk I know."

"What do you need to talk about, Farkle?" Riley asked.

Farkle breathed in, he had to be very careful not to reveal anything. Maybe this had been a bad idea.

He shrugged, "Isadora broke up with me."

Riley's heart began to beat at a million miles a minute, "What?" she said, her voice trembling slightly.

"Isadora broke up with me," Farkle repeated, still not looking at Riley.

Maya widened her eyes and shot Riley a look that Farkle thankfully missed.

"Farkle that's awful . I'm sorry," Riley said earnestly. And it was earnest, she was sorry. She liked Farkle, yes, but she wanted him to be happy.

"Thanks Riley," Farkle said, looking up at her and smiling sadly.

"Well!" Maya said loudly, and the two turned to stare at her, "this seems like a conversation for the two of you," she was beginning to climb out the window, but the other two had screamed, "STAY!"

"Okay, only because you insist," Maya said, sitting back down. "So Farkle, did Isadora tell you why she wanted to break up," she asked, curious for the answer.

Farkle turned to Maya and tried to work out if she knew, "No," he lied, "she just said our experiment was over."

"That's all she said?" Riley asked.

"Yep," Farkle lied again. He hated lying, especially to Riley.

"She didn't give you any other reason?" Riley pursued.

"Hey, it's Smackle, Riles, whatchya expect?" Maya said.

"Well she did sorta give me a reason," Farkle said before he could stop himself.

"Then what was it, Farkle?" Riley asked, starting to sound concerned.

He looked at Riley, at her beautiful, dark, concerned eyes, "I can't tell you."

"Farkle!" Maya barked.


"We're you're greatest allies, remember?" Riley said softly, "You can tell us anything." She smiled, putting her hand on his knee without even thinking about.

Farkle tensed up straight away, not because he didn't like her touching his knee, on the contrary, he did, but because friends don't touch other friends like that. He looked down at her hand and then up at her. Riley looked down at her hand, as though just realising it was there; she quickly took it off, as if she'd been electrocuted. They looked in the opposite reaction and moved slightly away from each other, both mortified at what just happened, and their hearts banging in the their chests for the exact same reason.

Maya was watching the situation with her mouth slightly agape and a bemused expression on her face, "Well, um... Farkle!" She blabbered trying to break the awkward, sexual tension growing between Riley and Farkle.

"Yes, Maya?" Farkle replied quickly.

"Uhh, you gonna tell us or what?"

"I would," he looked over at Riley, "but... but I can't,"

Riley gave a small smile and looked back at Farkle. She understood. She always understood. And Farkle knew that.

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