chapter one - the first sign

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|chapter one - the first sign|


    THERE ARE SOME NIGHTS where I could stay awake until dawn just thinking about anything and everything. Looking at the moon, the stars, the sky. Then, there are some nights where I could fall asleep without even changing out of my school clothes.

Last night was a night where I couldn't sleep. I don't know why, but all I could focus on were my thoughts. They drowned me in their un-important, alluring ways and it felt as if I couldn't swim.

It usually starts off with one thought, the silly little things like to keep me awake.

What will I eat for breakfast tomorrow?

From there, it grows.

Why do we even eat breakfast? and why is it called breakfast?

And then, it evolves into a completely different question.

Will tomorrow even come?

I could spend hours upon hours thinking about that one thought. The one with too many questions and not enough answers. But I'm selfish that way. I want things that I can't always have, I always need an answer for something. In some way, I'd like to say we're all like that.

The sound of my alarm snapped me from my thoughts and took me back to reality. The real world. The place where everything is on repeat every single day and nothing new happens.

Except for my healing.

Healing is something I've always enjoyed, It's something I've always been good at. My father knows a lot about healing, so he's passed down everything he knows to me.

My pack is called The Healers, and just like our name, that's what we do. We heal.

We create different mixtures, recipes, use ingredients, anything you can imagine. Every single thing used in healing has some sort of meaning or reason behind it.

"Malia, it's time to get up!" I hear my father yell from downstairs.

Groaning in annoyance, I decided to get out of bed. Stretching my arms and cracking my knuckles, I reluctantly make my way over to the bathroom. Looking up into the mirror, I can't help but cringe at the way I look. My dirty blonde hair is messy and the purple bags that lay underneath my hazel, green eyes, are definitely NOT cute

"Wow" I mutter, that's what lack of sleep does for you.

After getting ready for school, I headed downstairs to see my father making breakfast. Walking over to him I kissed his cheek. "Morning, Dad."

"Good morning, pumpkin" he says laughing as I make a face.

"Why do you call me that" I say crinkling my nose. My father shrugs and continues making the eggs. I sit down at the table just as my dad finishes and puts some food on my plate. I mumble a 'thank you' as I dig in.

"Don't forget to say goodbye to your mother, and don't forget to pick up your sister today at her friend's house" he tells me while putting the dishes in the sink.

I got up to help him once I finished my food. "What time do I have to pick up Sky?" I ask. Sky is my 13 year old sister, she's annoying, but I love her to death.

My father looks up with a slight scowl. "She told me at about 9:00 p.m, since her and Sarah are working on a project."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Sarah is my sister's friend who grew up a spoiled, rotten brat. Sarah thinks she's the greatest and I hate how she hangs around Sky. I've told my sister a million times about Sarah and why I don't like that they're friends, but Sky's a young teenager and she has the tendency to ignore me.

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