chapter two - the first look

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|chapter two - the first look|


GRABBING MY THINGS, I put on my shoes, and head out the door. Walking down the front steps of my house, I take my headphones out of my pocket and plug them into my phone. While hitting shuffle on my music a random song plays and I hum along to the tune.

Taking a deep breath, I exhale loudly and start walking around the pack grounds with my bag slung around my shoulders.

Today's going to be a good day, I can feel it.

As I walk towards my best friend's house, I start to skip in my steps as the music floods my body. I wave to a couple of people on the sidewalks and they give me warm smiles in return as they take their children to school.

My mother was never able to take me to school, nor Sky. Since she's been stuck in her bed for the past several years, there's not much that she's been able to see, which means she's missed a big part of my school life.

She always tells me that she doesn't need to see it because she already knows that I've done good, and will always continue to do so. My dad has been my support throughout my school years. He's always showed up to my mixing competitions, proof read my assignments, and he's even helped me with research projects when I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

But it's not the same when you only have one parent who's able to do all those things. It gets me thinking how much people take things for granted, but I try not to think about that too much.

Just as my foot makes contact with the pavement, I make my way up to the red brick house. Smiling as I pass the flowers planted near the walkway, I blankly stare at the colourful blossoms. Walking up the front steps, the door to my best friend's house suddenly opens and reveals my best friend himself.

"Malia" he greets me.

Taking out my headphones, a laugh suppresses from my throat as I take in his appearance.

Plain blue denim jeans, a white v-neck and blue eyes shining behind thick framed glasses.

"You look very dishevelled, James" I smile.

He ignores my comment, and gives me a sarcastic grin as he makes his way towards me. Smacking his lips on the top of my head, he flicks my nose and looks down at me with tired eyes.

"Messy hair, don't care, Mia. I don't have anyone to impress."

"Mhm, right" I laugh at the nickname he has for me.

James likes to say he calls me 'Mia' because my name Malia 'has too many syllables'. I'd say it's just out of pure laziness.

But that's James in a nutshell for you. He's the laziest person you'll ever meet. Which is basically me, because James is the boy version of myself, that's why we get along so well.

"Look at you all done up" he coos addressing my outfit. "You trying to impress someone?" He says while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Stop it, James" I laugh as I shove him off to the side. "I'm hardly dressed nicely." Taking his place beside me, we start to walk to school and talk about last night's assignment.

"You look like you didn't get much sleep last night" I say, looking up at his messy blonde hair.

He sighs and fixes his backpack on his shoulders. "That's because I didn't, I was up all night working on that stupid mixing assignment for Mr. Harrison."

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