Chapter Four (Kiara's POV)

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Later that night, Charity and I were were taking it easy around the flat. I wanted to tell her about my bizarre day at work, but she was reading one of her Harry Potter books on our comfy beige couch. When Charity is reading, you don't want to interrupt her. Trust me. She takes literature very seriously, especially when it comes to Harry Potter. She could be a bit annoying about it, actually.

So I decided that it would be best to wait until she stopped reading if I wanted to try and talk to her. I shifted in my seat, itching to say something. I felt myself becoming restless so I went to the kitchen to grab an apple then sat back down on the couch, just for something to do. After a few moments of silence other than the crunch of when I bit into the apple, Charity actually looked up from her book and spoke."How was your day Kia?" She asked. I couldn't believe it. She had actually interrupted herself from reading to talk.

"Oh! Um, it was okay... Did you finish your book?" I asked.

"Not yet. My eyes started to hurt from reading, that's all." She slipped a purple placeholder in between the pages and set the book on the side table.

"Ah. Well I actually did want to tell you about something that happened today. It's just that I don't entirely know how to put it..." I started to speak, but stopped because Charity looked at me with concern. "Nothing bad happened! Just... abnormal," I assured her. Charity let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, good. You had me worried for a moment," She laughed. "So what happened?"

I dove right into my story. "Well, Murray came in for his hip appointment today with his mother- you know Murray- but he didn't talk. At all. Not even to say a bloody hello! They both had this blank expression on their faces the whole time. And then, right in the middle of the appointment, they left! But I didn't see them go. It's like I turned around for one second and they were gone!"

Charity was looking at me the same way my boss was earlier; like I was mental. "I'm being serious! I turned my back for one second and then they vanished! Oh! And when I was stretching Murray, his skin looked infected. It was disgusting," I said, trying to recall every detail of the day.

"Maybe they didn't talk because they were having a bad day. I mean, they would be if Murray had an infection..." Charity said.

"I don't know, but I am legitimately scared." Charity laughed a little. "What?" I asked

"You are being paranoid!" she giggled.

"Shut up! This is serious!"

"Kia, it was probably nothing. Calm down." She said while laughing. I sighed. Nobody seemed to be concerned about this but me. I sat there, scowling, and took a bite of my apple. Charity watched me without really watching; like she was lost in thought. Zoned out.

Then, her eyes lit up. "Oh!" she suddenly shouted, making the couch we were sitting on bounce and making me jump and drop my apple. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" She laughed.

"It's fine! What were you going to say?" I asked.

Charity bit her lip. "During my lunch break today... I met someone." She said excitedly.

"What? Charity, who is he? Oh my God!" I was so excited for Charity, that I forgot about my awful day at work.

"His name is Louis, and we talked over some drinks at The Victoria. He's so amazing, Kia! He didn't even care about how awkward and embarrassing I am! And he has the most wonderful red hair. It's dyed, but it's fetching," Charity rambled. She was so happy. We were acting like two schoolgirls talking about a crush.

"I'm so pleased for you!" I said, while picking up the apple off the floor.

"Thanks! Oh, I almost forgot. Before I had to go back to work, he gave me this... " Charity said while handing me a flyer. It was red with black lettering advertising a nearby pub. I looked over it, then saw some words circled in sharpie. The section read:

Come Saturday night at 21:15 (9:15 p.m.) to see The Unknown play live! The performance is free, but the drinks are not! (Ever)

"Is this a date?" I asked Charity.

"Yeah! And he said that you should come with me! He has a friend..." Charity said, nudging me.

"Really? Oh, I don't know.." I was hesitant. I didn't know if I was ready for a relationship...

"Come on, Kia! Please?" Charity was giving me puppy eyes.

I laughed and got up to throw my dirty apple away. "Fine! But you are buying me a scotch. I am not going to a blind date without some alcohol in my system."

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