Chapter Five (Email)

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Hi, Charity!

It's been awhile, hasn't it? I miss you quite a bit, but that's not the reason for this out-of-the-blue email. Things are changing. I assume you are aware of the recent nuclear bomb catastrophe in Russia? (Thanks for not checking to see if I was okay, by the way... ) Well, very abnormal things have been happening. People have been going missing, and there have been stories of dead people walking around. Of course, I think that the last bit is a load of rubbish, but the missing persons cases have certainly caught the police department's attention.

I have been very busy trying to sort the cases out. The forensics department has found traces of blood wherever our missing persons were last seen, and it was constantly O+ blood. We don't know why it is always that way- it could be some weird coincidence. But, as you are O+, please be careful whenever you are out. Make sure Kiara is always with you. Keep each other safe.

Furthermore, I think that the nuclear bomb is tied to all of this somehow. But it's just a theory. I have no evidence to back it up.

I would appreciate it if you did not share this information with anyone except Kiara. It is, as a matter of fact, confidential. We don't want the press getting word of any of this- just yet. Not until we have a concrete lead.

Remember to stay safe. Love you.

Your brother,

Terrence Baker

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