Chapter Six (Louis's POV)

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~Saturday night

It was nine o'clock- fifteen minutes before we went on for the first time in a month. My bandmate, Liam, and I were sitting at the bar, drinking some beers, and I was buzzin- I was going to see Charity again tonight. I invited her to see a band at this bar, but she still has no idea that I'm in it. I smirked to myself.

Liam took a swig of his drink. "So do you know anything about the friend your girl is bringing?" He was bouncing his knee nervously.

"Mate, all Charity said was that her name is Kiara and that she is funny and smart," I replied. I got to thinking about Charity again. Charity was funny and smart. She was also hot, in a sophisticated kind of way. Hot, funny, and smart was a good combination.

"Oh, that's not vague at all! She could be a frumpy nerd for all I know with a description like that!" Liam was more anxious about this double date than I was. It was probably because he was going in blind, having never met Kiara.

"Well, you won't know until you meet her. Come on; we're on in five." I started to get up, but Liam grabbed my arm. He had a very serious expression on his face.

"Are we going to tell them about-"

"No. They don't need to know that," I said firmly. He was talking about how we were in Turkey a month ago performing a gig when the nuclear bomb that had been all over the news went off. I lost my left leg that day when a building literally fell on it, and was currently wearing a temporary prosthetic. I tapped it with my finger subconsciously.

"Then how are you going to explain..." Liam's eyes drifted down to my leg.

"I'm just going to hope the conversation does not get anywhere near that topic. Why would it?" I was pretty confident about tonight.

"Okay, but what if it goes well?"

What? We stared at each other. I tilted my head and knitted my eyebrows. He got worked up over the strangest things sometimes. "What do you mean?"

Liam shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Then he stood up and spoke softly, "I mean, we would have to tell them about everything eventually." He was right. Everything was much more than an amputation. Ever since that bomb, Liam and I and the rest of our band had all developed a sort of... Illness. An illness that made us crave blood. Okay. We were vampires. A band of vampires. Which was pretty sick, actually.

We first realized we were vampires when food just didn't satisfy anymore. The smell of human blood became horrifyingly appetizing...

But we have rules for ourselves. Even though we crave human blood, we decided we had to control our temptations. So no humans. To keep us alive, we have been feeding off of animals or undrained meat we find at the market.

"I suppose we'll get there when we get there, mate." I patted him on the back. He stared at me, dumbfounded. Liam always needed some sort of plan, while I was a live life in the moment kind of guy. He kept me somewhat grounded while I made sure he had a little fun. I guess that's why we were best mates.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." someone on a microphone announced. Liam and I looked at each other, wide eyed. Everyone in the bar started rushing towards the stage where we were supposed to perform.

"We have to go!" I yelled at Liam. We were about to miss our own concert! Liam sprinted and I limped as fast as I could through the crowded bar towards the tiny stage that already had all of our instruments and the rest of our band on it. Charlie, the keyboard player, and Jim, our drummer, were glaring at us as we approached. They were pissed.

"Please welcome..."

Liam and I hurriedly jumped on stage and took our places; Liam at the guitar and I at the mic.

"The very reason you're all here tonight..."

"What took you so long?" Jim hissed at us. I mouthed sorry and searched the crowd for Charity. So many people...

"The Unknown!" The crowd cheered.

"Thank you!" I said into the mic. Then I looked back at Jim, Charlie, and Liam, and we mouthed the countdown together. They started playing their instruments, and I started to sing...   

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