Chapter Eight (Liam's POV)

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Just as I fastened the last latch on my guitar case, Louis jogged over. "Come on, mate. Time to put on your big boy pants and talk to a girl!" He nudged me. I suddenly got a sinking feeling in my chest. The good energy from the concert had disappeared.

"Let's just get this over with. It's not like it can go anywhere, anyways, with us being vampires and all." Louis just looked at me and smirked.

"Come on, Liam. They won't ever have to know. Now let's go- we can't keep 'em waiting!" Louis grabbed my guitar case from the ground and handed it over to Jim, who gave him an annoyed look before lugging it to our van. I didn't really like the idea of not telling the girls about our... problem. It seemed like we were lying to them, in a way. But Louis was Louis, and nothing I could say would change his mind.

"Okay, okay," I sighed. I would just have to grit my teeth and do it. Last time Louis set me up on a blind date, everything went horribly wrong. We had nothing in common, and on our second date, she left me to go flirt with some other guy who had caught her attention. She went home with him that night. Now, I can't even hear the name Veronica without cringing a little.

Louis and I walked outside, and the chilly air made me shiver. I left my bloody coat in the van. Oh well.

I scowled at the ground, then I heard someone say, "Louis! Over here!" I looked up noticed two girls standing a few feet away from us, both in very classy, if not short, dresses, and holding coats over their arms. The one who called us was waving; I assumed she was Charity. Her taller friend was standing shyly by her side.

My spirits lifted; my date was hot. She had these beautiful, big brown eyes, and the way her hair perfectly fell on her shoulders made me weak at the knees. And her dress, oh her dress. It fit her in all the right places. I smiled, and she smiled back.

Louis and I walked over to the girls, and we began the introductions. Louis introduced me to them, and Charity introduced us to her friend, Kiara.

"You were really good tonight. With the guitar, I mean," she said.

The complement caught me off guard. "Thank you, Kiara."

"You can call me Kia." She beamed. I grinned. Louis slapped me on the back and whispered, "Have fun, Payno." Before I knew it, he and Charity had walked off, leaving me alone with Kiara.

"Hi," I said.

She giggled. "Hi." Anyone passing by could probably sense how awkward I felt.

"So, er, do you want to go inside and get some drinks?" I asked.

Kiara looked down at her empty glass. "I guess another scotch wouldn't hurt. Sure!"

So we went inside of the bar ordered some drinks, making small talk the whole time. We got to know one another a little bit; She told me that she was a physical therapist's assistant, which I wasn't expecting; she did not seem to be the doctor type. I told her how Louis, Charlie, Jim, and I started our band in university, and how we travel quite a lot for gigs. (I made sure to avoid mentioning our show in Turkey.) She told me that she is roommates with Charity, and that they had almost died because Charity burnt something she was cooking.

Kia was great. I loved her sarcastic sense of humor and how she was so full of surprises. I really, really liked her in general. We kept talking late into the night.

"Hey Kia! We better get going!" A voice suddenly shouted from behind us. It was Charity and Louis. They both were flushed and grinning from ear to ear. Louis had his arm around her. Slick.

"Okay, Charity! Give us a moment!" Kia yelled back then looked at me. "I had an amazing time tonight." She smiled.

"Yeah, I had fun," I told her. I meant it, too. This blind date might just lead to another actual date.

Kia started to get up, but then stopped. "Oh!" She grabbed a napkin from the bar and got a pen out of her bag. She started writing. "Here's my number. We will have to do this again sometime." She grinned while handing me the napkin, then stood up. I took it and put it in my jeans pocket. Then I got up next to her and grinned.

"I'll call you." I said.

"Should we walk these two lovely ladies home, Liam?" Louis asked me.

"If they don't mind," I said.

"Sure!" Kia and Charity said in unison.

So we started walking along the pavement, talking and laughing. All of us were at least a little drunk, so we were all kind of wobbly and possibly a tad too loud. Louis still had his arm around Charity, and at one point Kia and I had started holding hands. Her hands were sort of chilly, so I rubbed my thumb against her palm to try and warm her up.

"So, do you sing as well?" Kia asked me. "In your band, I mean."

"Uh, yeah! Sometimes..."

Then I heard a scream. 

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